
  • Belief and Rest

    As we finish Exodus 4 and read chapter 5, we will note two primary thoughts: rest and belief. How do they relate to one another? How does our faith in God allow us to enter His rest? Consider these chapters in light of Hebrews 3-4.

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    23 分
  • Justifying Disobedience

    How often do we respond to the Lord's commands with skepticism, doubt, or outright disobedience? And when we are disobedient... how often do we try to justify our rebellion? In today's episode, we are going to learn from the example of Moses. What principles can we apply to our own lives?

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    21 分
  • A Called Man

    Moses was a called man. What does it mean to be a "called" man? Called to do what? What evidence of a call upon your life is there?

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    25 分
  • A Season of Preparation

    In today's episode, we find Moses in a foreign land. This would be a time of formation in which Moses' bad character trait could be developed to be used for God's purposes. Do you take seasons of preparation seriously?

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    33 分
  • I Drew Him Out of the Water

    In today's episode, we are going to look at the deliverer of Israel- Moses, as an infant. How would God take care of him? How does his parents' work shed light into our role as influencers?

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    20 分
  • In this generation

    To start season 3, we look at Exodus 1 and find that in each generation, God's people have the opportunity to rise to the conflict of the day and trust in the Sovereign Lord. Do we view the world as those who are part of God's saving work in the world, or as creatures of the moment? Our actions review which is true.

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    22 分
  • Misconceptions About Christmas

    In today's episode, we discuss the biblical narrative and contemporary traditions - clarifying misconceptions about both,

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    49 分
  • That I Too May Worship Him

    In Matthew 2, we find the Magi traveling from the East to visit the One born "King of the Jews." What did they mean by that? How many magi were there? How would the contemporaries of the Magi respond to this news?

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    30 分