
  • Banking With Life... And James Neathery!

    I met James Neathery by chance after listening to an interview he did in or around 2011-12. I had already decided that the IRA/401K/457/government blessed retirement savings world was not set up with the individual's best interest in mind. Working with James and the Banking With Life team, I believe we have given my wife and I, our kids and grandkids a good chance of getting into the banking business for our own benefit rather than for the benefit of the various wealth creation gate keepers. You should definitely take advantage of the massive amount of free content from James and his team.

    I would love to hear what you think of this or any other episode as well as who might be good as a future guest. Send an email with your suggestion to DallasFire@gmail.com. Thanks for listening and Stay Groovy!



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    52 分
  • (Uncut) The Guitar Man - Craig Wallace (PJF #0024)

    Edited or unedited? That is the question. Some people like the "uncut" version of things. I generally like the LP version of songs rather than the FM radio version. I want to see the scenes of a movie that were cut at the last minute. If you're that kind of person too, I hope you enjoy the uncut version of my sit down with Craig Wallace, The Guitar Man. I started recording as I was setting up. I apologize for the three takes of "Melissa"! Let me know which version you prefer at dallasfire@gmail.com.

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    2 時間 48 分
  • The Guitar Man - Craig Wallace (PJF #0023)

    Please like, subscibe, share or comment on this episode.. I met Craig Wallace several years ago at "The Forge" in Ben Wheeler TX. He was hosting an open mic every Wednesday and I decided if was ever going to be able to sing in public, I was going to have to learn a little guitar. Much to my surprise, I ended up sitting next to and playing with one of the best around. Anywhere! I enjoyed hitchhiking through Craig's universe and I hope you will enjoy it as well!

    I would love to hear what you think of this or any other episode as well as who might be good as a future guest. Send an email with your suggestion to DallasFire@gmail.com. Thanks for listening and Stay Groovy!

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    1 時間 1 分
  • The Bread Gal (and much more!) - Skyler Carter (PJF #0022)

    Please like, subscibe, share or comment on this episode.. I met Skyler Carter at our local farmers market earlier this year. She shared a quick story of having her gas oven super charged and customized in order to make sourdough bread that met her strict approval and in mass. She was nice enough to come on the podcast and talk about what she's doing and where she's headed.

    I would love to hear what you think of this or any other episode as well as who might be good as a future guest. Send an email with your suggestion to DallasFire@gmail.com. Thanks for listening and Stay Groovy!

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    31 分
  • Dancing With A Star - Red Willingham (PJF #0021)

    Please like, subscibe, share or comment on this episode.. Red Willingham is a local East Texas hero of sorts. When he walks into just about any venue, guys and gals alike wait in line to give him a hug or shake is hand and say hello! In this episode we talk about history, family, legacy and business. I hope you enjoy hearing Red as much as I enjoyed getting to spend some time with him. I would love to hear what you think of this or any other episode as well as who might be good as a future guest. Send an email with your suggestion to DallasFire@gmail.com. Thanks for listening and Stay Groovy!

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    1 時間 17 分
  • Hope Springs Eternal with Hope Springs Water and Ted Mettetal

    Water... is water! Except at Hope Springs Water in Athens TX. In this episode we explore the life and times of C. Ted Mettetal. He was an accidental family practice physician and is the founder of Hope Springs Water. Ted is an inspiration to those around him and anyone who sees a need and makes the decision to take action and work to fill it. I hope you enjoy the episode as much as I enjoyed recording it. Vistit https://www.hopespringswater.org to find out more.

    Please like, subscibe, share or comment on this episode in your favorite podcast platform. I would love to hear what you think of this or any other episode as well as who might be good as a future guest. Send an email with your suggestion to DallasFire@gmail.com. Thanks for listening and Stay Groovy!

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    1 時間 28 分
  • The Brains Behind This Operation - Hannah Minton

    Please like, subscibe, share or comment on this episode in your favorite podcast platform. I would love to hear what you think of this or any other episode as well as who might be good as a future guest. Send an email with your suggestion to DallasFire@gmail.com. Thanks for listening and Stay Groovy!

    There wouldn't be a Paul Julian and Friends podcast if I hadn't been introduced to Hannah Minton by her father Rob, who was the guest on episode 13. We finally "met" through the magic of technology via Zoom.

    The biggest thing keeping me from getting started on the podcast was all the stuff that needed to be done after recording. Hannah takes the sometimes rough recordings that I provide and turns them into the finished product that can then be called a podcast.

    In this episode we hear about what she has going on, why she spends much of her time in England and what she hopes to be doing in the future. Thanks for listening.

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    37 分
  • Spartan Sprint - Event Recap with Roger Littleton and Steve Thornton

    I was joined at the recent Spartan Sprint in Burnet TX with my pals, Roger Littleton (Podcast guest #1) and Steve Thornton. In this episode we talk about the obstacles encountered, fellow participants, camaraderie and much more.

    Please like, subscibe, share or comment on this episode in your favorite podcast platform. I would love to hear what you think of this or any other episode as well as who might be good as a future guest. Send an email with your suggestion to DallasFire@gmail.com. Thanks for listening and Stay Groovy!

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    38 分