Welcome to part 1 of our Halloween episode where Taylor makes Josh VERY uncomfortable with some creepy medical fun facts on our girl Penny Wittbrodt. Listen as Taylor sends Josh into an existential crisis with our first Near Death Experience (NDE) story on the show. We talk about Penny Wittbrodt's experience with death and her scary astral experience until she comes into contact with her deceased grandmother - and this is where our part 1 ends and we will finish her story next time. Don't worry - it may sound scary at first but it turns into a beautiful and comforting story! And you should call yourself lucky to get a quote straight from God himself. As always, please leave feedback and give us some recommendations for future stories here https://forms.gle/ta81MCGULvshW2u96 and stay safe, spooky, and tipsy... and HAPPY (almost) HALLOWEEN. We <3 you all.