TRIGGER WARNING: We discuss suicidal ideation and other heavy topics
I talk with my friend Anna about her story, including her hyperlexia diagnosis, PMDD, the death of her Father as well as three other family members all within the same month, her divorce and her experience being a psych patient.
PMDD stands for “Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder” I go into more detail on what this is on the first episode of the podcast called “ME”.
Music:Tub Thumping - Chumba Wumba
The River - Aurora
Psych Patient Intro/Outro music by Dougie Bob Anderson
Quotes by Winston Churchill and Robert Frost
Books:When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron
The Places That Scare You by Pema Chodron
This is How you Heal by Brianna Wiest