
  • Ep. #324: The Gospel of Truth, Col. 1:1-8

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    Today, we embark on a new book study, and it is one of the finest Paul wrote. We give a brief overview of the book to get us going, then we dive right in and examine the first 8 verses. We talk about how Paul began the letter, and the various points of info he brings to us. Then we look at the importance of the Gospel, the truth, and we end after conducting a small character study. In our Q&A segment, we were asked the following question: I was reading Deut. 10:12 the other day, and it says that we are to fear the Lord and to love Him… this caused me to wonder: how it is possible to fear the Lord and love Him at the same time?
    We feel confident you will receive something from this study today, so come along with us!

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  • Ep. #323: Feed My Sheep, John 21:15-25

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    Today, we close our study on the Gospel of John. It has been an awesome ride, and we have seen so many powerful things within this book. We finish by looking at how Jesus offers Peter forgiveness for his 3 denials, and then we talk about how Jesus left Peter a command to fulfill. He told Peter to feed His sheep… and we believe this is exactly what the ministry is to do for the church still yet today. We also discuss several other things before we come to a close. In our Q&A segment, we were asked the question: Exactly why did Absalom have to die?
    We feel you will thoroughly enjoy the final episode of this wonderful book God gifted the church with.

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  • Ep. #322: God’s Children

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    Today, we consider a topic that most people would run right past, but it is one of which we feel is very important. The idea that God has children is pretty amazing when you stop and think about it. The idea that WE humans could become the children of God is even more astonishing. We talk about what this means for us now, and what it will mean for us in eternity. We also look at many more aspects that go along with this, and frankly, we think it is a wonderful study we have for you today.
    Get ready to be blessed, encouraged, and challenged!

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  • Ep. #321: My Lord and My God! John 20:26-21:14

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    Today, we look into the part where Jesus appeared to the disciples again, and this time Doubting Thomas was there. We talk about what Jesus did, how Thomas reacted, and how we should view all of this interaction. We then enter into chapter 21, and we go with the disciples as they go a fishing. Jesus was on the shore right near where they ended up, and as soon as the disciples figured out who He was, they went to Him. He had fish on the fire, some bread, and He offered them to come and eat with Him… Have you partaken of the Bread of Life today?
    In our Q&A segment, we were asked this question: I was raised that it is best to go into the world and try things, mainly so we can see why they are wrong, and why salvation is so needful… this seems to be different than what you teach on this podcast… do you disagree with this kind of thinking?
    Jump on into this powerful walk through God’s Word!

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  • Ep. #320: Whom Seekest Thou? John 20:1-25

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    Today, we go over the portion of scriptures where Mary Magdalene went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus. She didn’t find Him there, so she went and told Peter and John, so they all came to the tomb. We discuss their confusion and worry, Mary’s encounter with the 2 angels, and how she saw the Lord Himself. He asked her why she was weeping, and at that point, she just thought that He was the gardener. She was so excited, so ran back to the city and told the disciples. That evening, Jesus appeared to several of the disciples, but Thomas was not among them that night. In our Q&A segment, we give an answer to the following question: In Rom. 4:8, it says: ‘Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.’ So, how do I get to be such a man as this?
    We talk about much more, but why wait... so ahead and listen in today!

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  • Ep. #319, Q&A #22: The Holy Ghost

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    Today, we are privileged to bring to you our 22nd Q&A! This Q&A is a little different from all the rest, in that it is about one specific topic. Recently, we have received numerous questions regarding the Holy Ghost, 9 to be exact. We decided to take the time and do all of them in the same episode, so we hope you are ready for this! These questions are among the best we have ever received, and they are not from lightweights! We believe everyone will benefit from this powerful study concerning the 3rd member of the Godhead.

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  • Ep. #318: It is Finished, John 19:23-42

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    Today, we talk about how the soldiers crucified our Lord, parting His garments among them. His mother Mary and several others were there to watch this horrible event unfold. We discuss some of the things Jesus said while He was on the cross, how they didn’t break His legs, and how they pierced His side with blood and water coming forth. We speak about Nicodemus and Joseph taking the body of our Lord and laying Him in a new sepulchre, and this sets the tone for what happens next. In our Q&A segment, we were asked a really good question:
    I have a friend who believes that everyone will eventually be in Heaven, and he says that he has proof in the Bible… is he right about this?
    This study is a must for anyone who loves Jesus… so what are you waiting for? Listen to it now!

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  • Ep. #317: Crucify Him! John 19:1-22

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    Today, we watch in horror as Pilate charged the soldiers to scourge Jesus, then they platted a crown of thorns and put it on His head. They put a purple robe in Him and mocked Him, smiting Him with their hands, and then it got worse. The chief priests cried: Crucify Him! The crowd began to chant the same thing, and this got Pilate a little nervous, and he seemed to try to release Jesus again. He finally turns Him over to their desires, and they led Him away to Golgotha. In our Q&A segment, we were asked an important question: I work with a man who belongs to the Church of Christ and he says that we are not right because we allow music in our churches… is this correct?
    We talk about all of this and much more… this is definitely an episode you don’t want to miss, so come on!

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