We've all heard and been a part of our fair share of "family" court horror stories. Once again, "family" court is definitely a prime example of men being mistreated. They always seem to side with the female, regardless of the situation, even if there is abuse happening to the children in the situation. This episode discusses my best friend going through his divorce from his ex, with children, through family court, and how long it took for the court to finally do something about the visitation and abuse.
**** If you have your own story you want out there, feel free to email it to me at viaamanda2010@gmail.com **** All names will be changed in the official recording to protect everyone's privacy - including the bad guys in the story - but I will credit you for sending it to me if you want me to use a specific nickname or your username perhaps. Let me hear it guys! And woman too, if you have witnessed similar situations of men being mistreated too, you are welcome to send in submissions too!