Mental health unfiltered!
This week Faith Howley is showcasing Dark Coffee, a podcast that has open honest and frank conversation about mental health, hosted and created by Alice Lyons who has created a wellbeing agency off the back of her podcast, the namesake of her business. Alice has become a mental health facilitator and couldn't be better placed to give tangible impactful advice and tips to help with mental health struggles.
Click here to go to Dark Coffee to listen and subscribe and if you'd like some more support for yourself or someone you know visit Alice's website:darkcoffee.co.uk
If you need to talk to anyone you can call The Samaritans on 116 123 in the UK.
Or SANEline on 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm–10.30pm every day).
For lots more useful links to organisations that can help click here