Are you currently suffering from postpartum depression? Or, have you been through it and aren't sure you want to have another child because you are concerned it will happen again?
So many women suffer from postpartum and either don't have the right tools and support or don't even know that is what they are dealing with. In this episode we will discuss the signs and the things you can do to navigate this difficult challenge.
Samantha Flores is a mom of two and a survivor of postpartum depression. During her time as a new mom in 2017, Samantha discovered that writing helped decrease her symptoms of PPD. Since then, she has become a successful freelance writer specializing in ghostwriting books and blog posts while also helping businesses with email marketing and website content. She earned her bachelor's degree in 2013 followed by her master's degree in 2016. She lives in Texas with her family of 4, plus 3 furbabies.
I love how through her unexpected postpartum challenge, Samantha discovered her love and gift for writing. We never know how difficult circumstances can actually help us grow and discover things about ourselves that shape our future forever.