Today, August 20th, 2024, is my 65th Birthday, which reminds me that the world is changing faster than ever before.
Science reports that human evolution is accelerating, but compared to technology, we are in a race similar to that of the hare and the tortoise.
Some say we are doomed and that the human mind will become redundant with the rise of AI. I don't buy it…
On the contrary, I believe our minds can evolve into something remarkable!
This evolution of mind will almost certainly require us to gain access to a deeper level of information processing.
The good news is that Cognitive Psychologists have been telling us for decades that our minds have this deep processing power. The issue is that we have not learned how to access it.
Daily, I see tremendous opportunities for those willing to suspend some of their beliefs and open up to seeing the world through new eyes.
Since we know our mind is doing the actual seeing, it stands to reason that the mind should be our focus.
I like to think of attaining a deep processing mind as a goal to be achieved. And as I like to have names for projects and goals, I think.
Project New Mind is an excellent name to run with
We live in exciting times.
Let's get to it!