In this episode, Dr. Kristian Strang shares her story of undergoing psychic surgery in Brazil, a subsequent near-death experience and the resulting spiritual awakening that rocker her world. We also talk about:
- the body as ascension vehicle
- how many of us carry the belief that we need to ascend out of the body, away from the Earth, off to higher dimensions — and how it may create an imbalance in our lives
- the power of prayer
- giving our lives over to the Divine
- body-honoring living (which is more than just healthy living)
Dr. Heather Kristian Strang is a mystic, metaphysical psychologist, and an Amazon bestselling author of 13 books. She supports coaches, therapists, healers, writers & artists in creating their own thriving economies as prosperous healers through her Love Territory Guide & Sacred Spirituality Coach Certifications. You can find out more about Kristan on her website Sacred-Spirituality.org