• Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)

  • 著者: Sir K C Narayana
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Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)

著者: Sir K C Narayana
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  • Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple) Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple Founder of “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness” Details: Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India. Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in Biography: kcnarayana.org
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  • 1. Introduction to PAM - Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
    Details: Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India.  Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh   Meditation & Training Info: www.sriramchandra.in  Biography: kcnarayana.org EPISODE NOTES: INTRODUCTION TO PAM    Something deep in you must have stirred why not we go and find out some method by which we can be happier. Happiness is the goal of life actually. Only misfortune is, our happiness seems to be disturbing other people's happiness and therefore the strife or the conflict. Unless we learn to adjust to each others' happiness there seems to be no way of living together and here again what we have got accustomed is the competitive world. We have come from competition to what we generally call cut throat competition. We have been deteriorating ourselves from one stage to another stage. So how to be settled, how to keep up our balance and go about in life? This is exactly the problem which I see with most of us. It may be a school examination, it may be a job procurement or it may be a promotion or anything, any one of these problems that we have or a marriage of some body or the health of somebody else - these are all the various things that seem to disturb us beyond limit and our mind has come to a state of total restlessness. So happiness which can be approximately brought under the category of a settled mind or a peaceful state of mind is disturbed so badly that we are restless. The mind is wavering so much, flickering actually, that we would like to have it settled on something and whenever there is something that is happy that means something which you consider as a good thing that happens to you, your mind seem to get settled for sometime at least. Your son passes an examination or you get some promotion or you get a job, some such thing, some small reliefs whenever you get, you feel a bit settled for sometime may be an hour or so. Again you get further problems so you again are restless. So, even when we get some sort of a relief, we have found it is so very temporary or transient that it seems to be elusive. We seem to be having the knack of getting into a problem every few seconds. This is the life which we are leading, and from here we are trying to know what is it we can do. People said that if you worship this God you get that relief, if you do that mantra that will be good, all sorts of things have been told and all sorts of efforts have been made. If you have been satisfied with those efforts you won't have come here, the efforts were not commensurate to the task in hand perhaps, I do not know, or your efforts itself were half hearted. Whatever is the reason, if you have found some answer already in tradition and if you have liked some God or a Goddess and you are satisfied with it then you won't have come here. The mere fact that you have come here shows that there is still some restlessness behind it. So finally what exactly is the thing that we can offer here? That's the question I would put to myself and I would also like you to put to yourself - so what is it that you are going to deliver to us?. You come, you stay for two days with us, you share with us certain ideas. Good talk, good people, is that all? Or are you going to find a way of life? Our intention is that you should be in a position to find a way of life which should be satisfying for you though will not give you the rest that you so eagerly hanker because that seems to be something far off. So long as we are living, there will be a certain amount of restlessness. If the heart comes to rest then you know what happens to you. The heart cannot come to rest, it must be active, it must be restless, it must be going on beating and in that there should be a rhythm, there should be a balance. If it is out of balance then we find there is something wrong. You are aware of the palpitation of the heart or you feel the heart beat then you know something wrong has happened. So long as the stomach is working alright you don't feel it. Suppose it starts aching then you know there is a some problem somewhere there, but that does not mean that the stomach is not working, it has been working it will continue to work, liver will continue to work, every internal organ will continue to work and you are not aware of it. So activity by itself does not mean restlessness but pure restlessness is possible only when you leave the body. That is not any way our goal. We would like to live, live happily in a balanced condition. So this balanced condition is the goal to which we have to go. That exactly is the meaning of the messages of all the great saints including that of Bhagawan Krishna who says that you should take both the labha and dukha (labhalabho jayaa jayo) everything you must take with equanimity. With equanimity does not mean with the same attitude. When you are in a state of joy ...
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    1 時間 3 分
  • 2.Meditation - Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
    Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple Founder of  “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness”  Details: Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India.  Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh   Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in  Biography: kcnarayana.org Episode Note: MEDITATION The method essentially consists of the practice of meditation. Meditation has got many meanings. It can mean contemplation of a particular subject. It can mean concentration also, in some places, in some systems. It can be contemplation on just what you see in Nature. It can be contemplation on what the great men have said, by fixing up your thought on that. This is generally known as manana by us and we don't include it as dhyana. It is one of the essential ingredients of any serious practice and dhyana also is there. We talk about dhyana only. There are two things - you have to meditate and you also have the assistance from the Guru through Pranahuti. These are the two aspects of our system. The reason why another person should be interested in you, is mainly because his desire to share, his desire to serve. So long as it is not motivated by any selfish consideration of the person we should have no objection to receive it. We do not like to be exploited; naturally you also would not like to be exploited. We would like to learn. So the whole process is, you do your sadhana and you will be assisted in your sadhana. There are certain meditational practices we advise. 1. One is the early morning meditation. 2. We have got another process, in the evening you clean yourself or purify yourself. 3. You offer prayer for the well being of others universally to all people at a particular time i.e at 9'O P.M. 4. Before you go to bed, you offer your prayer in a particular way, the method of praying itself will be told. 5. We also ask you to participate in satsang, once you join us, which is had on Sundays and in some places and in some cities on Wednesdays evenings also. The reason for asking people to attend satsang is, in a collective group meditation, you feel greater force of the Divinity entering into all of us. It is a matter of experience, you can feel for yourself. 6. We also advise you that once you get introduced, to take individually sittings from a qualified trainer, with whom you can discuss - a) What are your difficulties in sadhana? b) How you are able to progress? and c) How you are not able to progress. d) What are the circumstances which enable you to progress further and seek ratification of that process e) What are the difficulties that you encounter, and how best you can get rid of them So these are all the methods of meditation that we suggest. The purpose of meditation, some say they have got some problems and some say that they want concentration and some say that they want some satisfaction of desires, etc., but basic purpose of meditation is to know more about ourselves. We seem to be knowing everything in this world except ourselves. Even the name that we have got is what somebody has given us. We were not born with the name. Of course the form, we are born with it and that seems to be changing enormously. From childhood it has been changing and it continues to change. Our attitudes, our opinions, our desires were also getting transformed. Then who are we? How do we know what we are? What exactly are we? This question appears to be philosophical, something with which no ordinary man need bother about because after all 'we are living sir, we are happy, what is the need for knowing all these things?' It boils down to that. But when you know that internal happiness is not coming from the external circumstances, when you know that you seem to be swayed away by certain feelings, certain emotions, either for the good or the bad, then you would like to know, what exactly you are, how you react. Why is it that you react in a particular way? All our consciousness has been outward directed till now. We have been responding to external stimuli and internal one is restricted to our hunger or our urges. We do not seem to be aware of many other things that are there inside. We have framed our ideas, our attitudes, our aspirations, everything is inside. We do not seem to know what exactly they are, we don't have crystallized opinions. If we want to know, we have got to go inward. Inward consciousness is what we have got to develop, our consciousness now is outward. I talk to you by seeing you, my speech is what you are hearing, these are all outward things. When you close your eyes, when you don't allow any other senses to work except your mind, then you face yourself. Facing yourself is a tough task. The first thing that you would like to do is to get away from that place because it seems to be so bizarre. You really don't know what you are trying to do. ...
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    37 分
  • 3.Control of Mind - Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)
      Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple, Founder of  “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness”  Details: Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India.  Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh    Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in  Biography: kcnarayana.org Episode Notes: CONTROL OF MIND    In any meditation that we do, we are confronting our own mind, our own manas. The sensory input will always be there and we are accustomed to give attention to it and that is why even during meditation we are giving attention to it. So which are the things that we will be normally having as thoughts or experiences during meditation? If you put this question, you will have 1. The sensory inputs 2. The mental constructs of sensual inputs 3. You will have something to do with restlessness 4. You will have a tendency to sloth or indolence or sluggishness 5. Doubt, whether with all these things you can still achieve it or not. These are the various forms of thoughts, feelings that you will have during meditation. In order to understand it better we should also understand what the nature of mind itself is. What are the conditions in which the mind is there? The mind is - - Kshipta i.e. disturbed - Moodha i.e. it is almost sluggish / indolent; - Vikshipta i.e. instead of thinking about the object that you want to think about, but something else. Then you have got, - Samadhan, the state of mind where you have got fairly a balanced condition. And the last one would be - Nirodh, when you do not have anything else to do. These are all the various characteristics of our mind. These are the basic characteristics of mind. Any mind, whosoever it is, at any point of time will be governed by this, whether it is a Vikshipta or it is a Moodha or a Kshipta, or a nirodh or samadhan. In any meditational practices that you are now trying, you are trying to arrive at samadhan, a state of settledness. How to get at this? Tradition has it that we give some ideas and then allow the mind to concentrate over that i.e. you give a pratyahara, try to have a dharana over that and once your dharana is over you get into dhyana on that. This is the traditional method. Now, putting it very concretely, you are terribly disturbed, annoyed, so you think about a pleasant object - may be a rose, may be a sheet of water or may be somewhere with absolutely peaceful surroundings. Go there, think about that place, think about that rose, have a dharana. That is you are given an object on which you can do the dharana and then that can lead you to samadhan. These are the methods that have been given, there are various examples can be given that you can see for yourself. I am only trying to tell you that when you want to come to the state of settledness, this is what we do. In order to reduce restlessness in our tendencies while at work, modern management has chosen to suggest that you will have some light music all the time going through all the floors of your work space. It gives you certain amount of detensioning, they say, that is the pratyahara that is given and a dharana that is being done by you without even being aware and you will have a samadhan out of it. That is the logic behind that particular approach. Now, in this case when we have fixed our goal, suppose your goal is to make money, you should have plans, clear cut plans. That is the goal. The goal is the artha, then we should have clear cut plans as to how to go about this job and how do we do it? We should avoid that which is not likely to achieve that goal, we should choose that which enables us to achieve the goal. Anukoolsya sankalpam and pratikoolasya varjanam, Atma nikshepam - you should have confidence, Maha Viswasa. These are all the things that you are supposed to have if you have got to achieve that. Similarly, when you have fixed a goal now, of a balanced existence, when you want to live a balanced life, not giving too much weight for the artha and kama and dharma, not giving too much of weight to moksha but try to have both because God wanted us to have both and live with both the wings. We should know how to be moderate and if that is the goal that you have taken, if that is the goal, if the goal clarity is there then only there will be a purposeful action. Without a goal clarity there is no purposeful action. Suppose you think that by attending to certain meditation classes or going to yoga classes you are going to have some capacity for performing miracles or achieve siddhis, if that is the goal, surely this could not be the method for it. Goals will definitely decide as to what should be the path that you should take. Knocking at all doors saying that everything leads to Brahm doesn't make any sense. We should know that God has manifested and manifestation means Ekoham Bhaushyami! - One becomes many, I now ...
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    35 分


Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple) Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Disciple Founder of “Institute of Sri RamChandra Consciousness” Details: Messages delivered by Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ), Hyderabad, India. Dedicated his life for the Spiritual service of Pujya Sri Ramchandraji’s Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Research, Meditation Trainings, Audio Messages, Books & SatSangh Meditation Info Contact: www.sriramchandra.in Biography: kcnarayana.org

Pujya Sir K.C.Narayana ( KCN ) Messages (Meditation, Raja Yoga, Training, Spirituality, PAM - Pranahuti Aided Meditation, Divinity, Divine Service & Research, Babuji Disciple)に寄せられたリスナーの声
