• 90. Katherine Neebe on Sustainablility in the Energy Industry

    Katherine Neebe serves as senior vice president of national engagement and strategy, and chief sustainability and philanthropy officer for Duke Energy. She leads Duke Energy’s stakeholder engagement efforts to develop solutions to meet customer needs for continued reliable and affordable energy—while simultaneously working to achieve the company’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

    In addition, Katherine maintains oversight of the Duke Energy Foundation, which provides philanthropic support to help meet the needs of communities where Duke Energy customers live and work.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    ● Nuclear power’s resurgence

    ● Modernizing the power grid

    ● The surprising reason the US power industry has been able to reduce emissions by 40%

    Key Takeaways:

    Tipping Point Industries: Tipping points can be for the better or the worse. When it comes to creating a sustainable future, there are tipping point industries that can have an oversized impact on our collective emissions reductions. The energy sector, for example, is foundational—it powers our lives and businesses. By making it sustainable, we create a massive ripple effect that benefits every organization and individual relying on it. Similarly, transportation is another cornerstone sector. Innovation in tipping point industries can profoundly impact our collective path to sustainability.

    Energy: The Force of Transformation: Physics teaches us that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it merely changes from one form to another. This principle allows us to power entire cities by harnessing, transporting, and converting energy. It got me thinking—what do you want to power with the energy within you? What do you want to build and sustain with your life force? Reflecting on how you harness your energy can lead to a legacy that outlasts you.

    Levers for Change: Three levers for driving sustainability are: business, government, and philanthropy. These forces work together, to create combined change that’s more than the sum of its parts. Like sustainability, most areas in life have multiple levers to create change, where a combined effort produces the best results. If there's something in your life, or your business, that you want to change, take some time to consider what the levers of change are for that thing. Chances are, your best results will come from approaching change from multiple directions.


    ● Connect with Katherine on LinkedIn

    ● Duke Energy

    ● The U.S. National Science Foundation page on the CHIPS and Science Act

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  • 89. Breene Murphy on a “Divest, Reinvest, Pressure the Rest” Climate Investing Strategy
    Breene Murphy is the president of Carbon Collective, a climate investment advisor. They create low-fee investment portfolios for employer 401k plans and individuals that divest from fossil fuels and reinvest in climate solutions. They have launched two Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): a climate solutions equity ETF (ticker: CCSO), and a green bond fund (ticker: CCSB).. Carbon Collective is an implementation partner of Project Drawdown, and a member of Rewiring America’s CEOs for Electrification coalition. If you are responsible for your company’s 401K plans, look to Carbon Collective’s ETFs as a sustainable option to offer employees. In this episode, we discuss: ● What an ETF is, and why Carbon Collective needed to create their own ● How an investment portfolio is made ● Why it’s important to invest more funds into climate solutions companies Key Takeaways: ● Investing: Simplify the Complex. Investing can feel like trying to decipher a foreign language. You're either lost in the weeds or barely skimming the surface. Here's my straightforward advice: First, if you're in the USA, start investing in your 401K as early as possible, and always contribute at least the maximum amount that your company matches. There is no fallback social system to rely on in retirement. Second, remember that your investments are your bets on the future. When you put your money into a company, you're saying, "I want this company to be part of tomorrow's world." So, invest with intention. Make sure your financial choices align with the future you want to live in. ● Expanding Investment Choices. For markets to genuinely reflect individual choices, people need a full spectrum of options. Carbon Collective stepped in to fill a significant gap by creating new ETFs and 401K portfolios that exclude fossil fuel companies—something that was missing in the market. Considering that 401Ks are the primary retirement-saving vehicle for Americans, having no option to align those investments with personal values means the market can’t truly reflect individual preferences. It’s like having a dessert bar that only offers ice cream and then assuming everyone’s favorite dessert is ice cream. True choice requires diverse options. ● Helping: The Antidote to Helplessness. Before we started recording, Breene shared his eye-opening experience of joining the workforce and realizing that most adults are just figuring it out as they go, struggling along the way. This shattered the illusion that adults “have it figured out”. He talked about the impact helping those around him had on his career. It reminded me of the phrase "helping is the antidote to helplessness". No matter what, every life journey will have spots that feel helpless. This phrase is a nice reminder. Helpful acts not only lift others up but also pull us out of our own helpless ruts, reminding us that we have the power to make a difference. References: ● Connect with Breene on LinkedIn ● Carbon Collective ● Project Drawdown ● International Energy Agency ● Rewiring America Connect & Share: If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading them! If this episode resonated with you, I ask you to send it to a friend. Help bring even more visibility to these leaders that are using business as a force for good! Subscribe to the Purpose and Profit newsletter to make sure you don’t miss future episodes. This podcast is for you, the listener. I’d love to hear what resonated with you, or if you have a suggestion on who would be a great guest for this show. Please send me a note at info@KathyVarol.com.
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    28 分
  • 88. Julia Marsh on Seaweed-Based Plastic Packaging
    Julia Marsh is the CEO and co-founder of Sway, a clean tech startup scaling seaweed-based, home-compostable packaging. Sway’s patented products match the vital performance attributes of conventional plastics and are designed to plug into existing infrastructure, enabling scale and massive impact. Julia’s work is driven by a deep passion for regenerative design and biological circularity. In 2023, Sway won first place in the TOM FORD Plastic Innovation Prize. In 2021, Sway also won the Beyond the Bag Challenge sponsored by Closed Loop Partners and a consortium of major retailers. Sway’s solutions have garnered recognition from Vogue, Condé Nast, Forbes, Business Insider, and Fast Company. As a member of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, the Sustainable Ocean Alliance, and 1% for the Planet, Sway is working holistically to scale their product for a thriving, equitable future. Learn more at swaythefuture.com. In this episode, we discuss: ● Why recycling won’t fix our plastic problem ● The properties of seaweed that make it a flexible plastic film substitute ● The “Amazon Rainforest” ecosystem you never considered Key Takeaways: ● Seamless Integration for Easy Adoption: Introducing a new material into established supply chains and factory processes can be challenging. Take a page out of the Sway playbook. If possible, create a plug-and-play solution that works with existing machinery. This lowers the barrier for manufacturers to test and adopt the new product, making it significantly easier to scale and implement across their industry. ● Understanding Product Lifecycles: To truly grasp the benefits and costs of any product, it’s crucial to examine its entire lifecycle. Take plastic, for example. The visible litter on beaches is just the tip of the iceberg. Microplastics in our oceans and bloodstreams are harming marine life and human health. The environmental impact of extracting petroleum for plastic production, and the long-lasting waste clogging our landfills, are often hidden from view but equally damaging. Out of sight should not mean out of mind—these unseen costs are critical to our understanding of plastic's true impact. ● The Power of Innovative Thinking: We need more people like Julia innovating new ways to do things. People who question the status quo. People who notice the cost of continuing to do things the same way, and aren’t ok with that cost. People that are curious enough to lean in, tinker, and innovate new solutions that are better for everyone. The next time you notice something off, don’t dismiss it. Instead, explore it—maybe you’re the one who will come up with the next groundbreaking solution. Your curiosity could lead to innovations that make a better future. References: ● Connect with Julia on LinkedIn ● Sway ○ Keep up with Sway on Instagram ● Tom Ford Plastic Innovation Prize ● Lonely Whale ● Beyond the Bag Challenge Connect & Share: If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading them! If this episode resonated with you, I ask you to send it to a friend. Help bring even more visibility to these leaders that are using business as a force for good! Subscribe to the Purpose and Profit newsletter to make sure you don’t miss future episodes. This podcast is for you, the listener. I’d love to hear what resonated with you, or if you have a suggestion on who would be a great guest for this show. Please send me a note at info@KathyVarol.com.
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    39 分
  • 87. Dalila Wilson-Scott on the Holistic Approach to Diversity & Social Impact
    Dalila Wilson-Scott serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer of Comcast Corporation, and President of the Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation. Dalila oversees all Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiatives and philanthropic strategy with a focus on advancing digital equity and economic mobility through Project UP, which is supported by a $1 billion commitment. In 2023, Dalila was honored as WICT Woman of the Year in recognition of her work developing women leaders who transform the media, entertainment and technology industry. She has been named one of the “Most Powerful Women in Cable” by Cablefax Magazine; one of the “Most Powerful Women in Business” by Black Enterprise; and an “Innovative Rising Star: Building Communities” by Forbes magazine among other honors. In this episode, we discuss: ● The importance of data and transparency in DEI ● 3 key lessons for running a Foundation ● Looking at diversity through a holistic business lens to include employees, suppliers, customers, and product creation Key Takeaways: ● Diversity: It's Not Just Business, It's Human: I’m done debating the business case for diversity—it's crystal clear, yet it hasn't solved the leadership imbalance. Let's focus on the human case. Look around the C-suites of S&P 100 companies: 70% of executives are white men, while they make up only 30% of the US population. Despite progress in diversifying executive teams over the past decade, these numbers don’t lie. Our system is still broken. It’s past time to fix a system that continues to perpetuate unfairness and bias, not just because diversity is proven to be good for business, but because it’s the right thing to do. Let’s not hide the need for fairness, justice, and ethics behind a business case. ● Building Solutions Through Continuous Listening: Listening to the people you aim to serve is crucial, and it’s not a one-time act—it’s an ongoing practice. This dialogue informs how programs need to evolve to meet changing needs. When you continuously listen and adapt, you build solutions that resonate and have lasting impact. It’s about creating a dynamic partnership with those you serve. ● The Importance of Community: The power of community cannot be overstated. We know the phrase “it takes a village”. This principle extends across all areas of life. Small businesses supported by their communities are more likely to succeed. Families with community support are more likely to thrive. Individuals who feel part of a work community are more likely to flourish. Humans are social creatures; we struggle in isolation but thrive when we come together. Building and nurturing community bonds is key to collective success and well-being. References: ● Connect with Dalila Wilson-Scott on LinkedIn ● Comcast ○ Project UP ○ Comcast RISE ○ NBCU Academy ● Edelman Trust Barometer ● National Skills Coalition ● Pinnacle Group ● Making Space ● Code Path ● Per Sholas Connect & Share: If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading them! If this episode resonated with you, I ask you to send it to a friend. Help bring even more visibility to these leaders that are using business as a force for good! Subscribe to the Purpose and Profit newsletter to make sure you don’t miss future episodes. This podcast is for you, the listener. I’d love to hear what resonated with you, or if you have a suggestion on who would be a great guest for this show. Please send me a note at info@KathyVarol.com.
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  • 86. Staff Sheehan on Greening the Aviation Fuel Industry
    Dr. Stafford (Staff) Sheehan is an American scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur at the forefront of the carbon capture and utilization industry. Staff is the Co-founder and CTO of AIR COMPANY, a business converting captured carbon dioxide, water, and electricity into the fuels and chemicals that we get from fossil fuels today. He is the inventor of AIR COMPANY’s core patents and is responsible for the technology and operations of the business. Prior to founding AIR COMPANY, Dr. Sheehan served as the co-founder and CEO of Catalytic Innovations, where he developed electrochemical technologies to reduce energy consumption in refining processes. Staff was recognized on MIT Technology Review’s Innovators Under 35 in 2023, as one of Chemical & Engineering News Talented 12 in 2017, and a Forbes 30 under 30 in 2016. He received his BS in Chemistry from Boston College and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from Yale University. In this episode, we discuss: ● Carbon capture and carbon utilization ● The process to create sustainable aviation fuel ● The magic of chemistry Key Takeaways: ● Circular Economy in Fuel Production: AIR COMPANY is transforming captured carbon from the atmosphere into fuel, creating a circular economy in the fuel industry. When this fuel is burned, the carbon released can be captured again to make more fuel. This closed-loop system is an incredible leap forward in sustainable energy. ● Cutting Costs and Emissions Globally: The ability to create fuel anywhere in the world means we can slash energy use and costs across the supply chain. By producing fuel locally, we eliminate the need for transportation, drastically reducing associated energy use, costs, and emissions. This innovation could revolutionize how we think about energy logistics and help eliminate global conflict over fuel. ● Turning Thin Air into Valuable Resources: Chemistry often feels like magic, and AIR COMPANY's work with carbon capture and utilization truly embodies this. Their work gives the phrase "making something out of thin air" a whole new—literal—meaning as they convert atmospheric carbon into new products like - aviation fuel, perfume, and vodka. References: ● Connect with Staff on LinkedIn ● Air Company ● To learn more about renewable hydrogen listen to the Purpose and Profit episode with David Reynolds, then Chief Executive of the Department for Trade and Investment for South Australia. ● Defense Innovation Unit ● “$400 per gallon gas to drive debate over cost of war in Afghanistan”, by Roxana Tiron, The Hill, October 16th, 2009 ● NASA CO2 Conversion Challenge Connect & Share: If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading them! If this episode resonated with you, I ask you to send it to a friend. Help bring even more visibility to these leaders that are using business as a force for good! Subscribe to the Purpose and Profit newsletter to make sure you don’t miss future episodes. This podcast is for you, the listener. I’d love to hear what resonated with you, or if you have a suggestion on who would be a great guest for this show. Please send me a note at info@KathyVarol.com.
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    37 分
  • 85. Alex Lauver on Innovating Solutions for a More Sustainable Outdoor Industry
    Alex Lauver has been in the Outdoor Industry his entire career. Alex is currently Sr Director Materials, Innovation, & Sustainability at Outdoor Research (OR) where he specializes in advanced materials, sustainability, and high-performance apparel. Since 1981, Outdoor Research has created outdoor apparel, accessories, and equipment for outdoor enthusiasts and military users around the globe with an Infinite Guarantee for their products. Most recently, Outdoor Research has partnered with a chemical company called Nikwax for PFAS free waterproofing, with all of their products transitioning to be free of intentionally added PFAS for Fall 2024 production. In this episode, we discuss: ● Why PFAS are prevalent in the outdoor industry, and why PFAS are a problem ● The ups and downs of the continually evolving sustainability journey ● Green-washing and green-hushing Key Takeaways: ● Persistent and Pervasive PFAS: PFAS are notorious for their persistence in the environment and their ability to bioaccumulate in living tissues, including humans, leading to serious health risks. These "forever chemicals" don't break down easily and they’re highly transmissible through air, water, and soil. Because of potential cross-surface contamination, factories aiming to produce PFAS-free materials will most likely need to eliminate PFAS entirely from their processes, a daunting task but one that could trigger a domino effect of widespread adoption of PFAS-free manufacturing. ● Collaboratively Evolving Sustainability: Sustainability is a continuously evolving journey. We learn, test, improve, and then repeat the process. To accelerate collective progress towards a sustainable future, transparency is key. When organizations share their sustainable innovations openly, others can replicate successful strategies and propose even better solutions. Transparency fosters a collaborative environment where sustainable practices can rapidly evolve and improve across many organizations and industries collectively. ● Shifting to Net Positive: Alex pointed out a stark truth: the most sustainable action for companies, as they currently operate, would be to cease business. The black and white truth of this statement illustrates how radically we need to transform our current business approaches. The goal is to shift from a standard and accepted operating model that has a net negative impact on the planet to achieving a net positive impact. This paradigm shift demands a complete overhaul of our current operating methods, pushing us towards innovative, planet-friendly business models. References: ● Connect with Alex on LinkedIn ● Outdoor Research ● Outdoor Industry Association ● Nikwax ● California AB 1817 “Product safety: textile articles: perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)” ● bluesign ● International Trade Association page on the Berry Amendment Connect & Share: If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading them! If this episode resonated with you, I ask you to send it to a friend. Help bring even more visibility to these leaders that are using business as a force for good! Subscribe to the Purpose and Profit newsletter to make sure you don’t miss future episodes. This podcast is for you, the listener. I’d love to hear what resonated with you, or if you have a suggestion on who would be a great guest for this show. Please send me a note at info@KathyVarol.com.
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    58 分
  • 84. Rob Acton on Creating Impact by Serving on a Nonprofit Board
    Rob Acton is the Founder & CEO of Cause Strategy Partners. Through his firm’s signature program BoardLead, Cause Strategy Partners has placed nearly 3,000 professionals in the United States and the United Kingdom on nonprofit boards, while training tens-of-thousands more in high-impact nonprofit board service. Rob is a recognized expert on nonprofit governance and leadership. He has nearly three decades of experience founding, leading, and scaling social good organizations as both a nonprofit chief executive and board leader. Rob currently chairs the Board of Directors of Broadway Inspirational Voices. His causes are second chances for formerly incarcerated individuals, nonprofit capacity building, and the performing arts. Rob’s forthcoming book, Becoming a Causie: Champion Your Cause Through Nonprofit Board Leadership will be available for preorders on July 5th and is slated for release in early September. In this episode, we discuss: ● The personal—and professional—benefits of joining a nonprofit board ● What makes a great board member (and what makes a terrible board member) ● Why diverse representation on nonprofit boards matters Key Takeaways: ● Shifting The Conversation To Meaningful Action. “What causes do you support, and how do you support them?” This was a question Rob started asking people, instead of the standard “What do you do for a living.” It stopped people in their tracks. I love this question. In an age when so many people confuse liking an Instagram post with action, this question moves beyond what causes matter to you and into the world-changing realm of actions. With that in mind, I’d like to ask you: “What causes do you support, and how do you support them?” ● The Three T's of Board Commitment. Rob discussed the commitment expected of nonprofit board members, emphasizing the three T's: Time, Talent, and Treasure. Time involves dedicating 4-6 hours a month, manageable alongside a regular job. Talent means leveraging your professional skills to guide the nonprofit. Treasure is about financially supporting the cause, reinforcing your commitment. There's a psychological shift when you invest your own resources, and it feels disingenuous to ask others to donate if you haven't done so yourself. ● Setting Up for Success. Cause Strategy Partners provides a blueprint for success that all organizations can learn from. They emphasize three key components: high expectations, training, and accountability. High expectations mean clearly defining the job role and responsibilities from the start. Training ensures individuals acquire the necessary skills to excel. Accountability involves regular check-ins to track progress and ensure each person meets the established expectations. This structured approach sets new board members—and employees—up for success. References: Connect with Rob on LinkedIn Cause Strategy Partners Taproot Foundation Broadway Inspirational Voices Connect & Share: If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading them! If this episode resonated with you, I ask you to send it to a friend. Help bring even more visibility to these leaders that are using business as a force for good! Subscribe to the Purpose and Profit newsletter to make sure you don’t miss future episodes. This podcast is for you, the listener. I’d love to hear what resonated with you, or if you have a suggestion on who would be a great guest for this show. Please send me a note at info@KathyVarol.com.
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  • 83. Anna Hammond on Creating Access to Nutritional Food From Excess
    Anna Hammond is the Founder and CEO of Matriark Foods, a social impact business on a mission to scale access to healthy food for the benefit of people and the environment. Each year in the USA, roughly 33 million tons of perfectly healthy vegetables never make it to the table. That’s a waste of food, water, and greenhouse gasses. It’s bad for farmers and the planet. Matriark Foods upcycles farm surplus and fresh-cut remnants into healthy, delicious, low sodium vegetable products for schools, hospitals, food banks and other foodservice. All Matriark products are Upcycled Certified. Upcycled food is about doing more with less, and elevating all food to its highest and best use. Matriark is also a certified Women-Owned Business (WBE) that mentors and supports other WBEs. It’s a fact that despite receiving less than 5% of venture capital, WBEs outperform other structures by 63%. In the words of Joan Armatrading, “If women ruled the world, it would be a good thing.” Matriark Foods is a shining example of this. In this episode, we discuss: ● The issues with our current food system that cause so much food waste while people go hungry. ● What Upcycled Certified means. ● How Matriark Foods benefitted from participating in incubators and accelerators. Key Takeaways: Forging New Paths: Imagine setting out on a journey into uncharted territory, where every step forward demands innovation and resilience. For the most interesting projects with the biggest potential to make an impact, at the start there is no “plug and play”. In order to have a plug and play you need a system to plug into. But when you’re creating entirely new ways of doing things across an entire supply chain, you’re doing the heavy lifting of creating an entirely new system. While the initial stages will be daunting, each stride forward lays the foundation for a future where, eventually at scale, you will have created a new system that others can plug into—and that new system you forged will enable systemic change making a bigger impact than any one person or organization could ever have on their own. This work of system reinvention takes time, it takes collaboration, and it’s essential for fixing the broken systems we’re currently relying on that are damaging people and the planet. Tackling Food Loss and Waste: Food loss (on farms and in supply chains) and waste (at the retail and consumer levels) deprives farmers of income, costs consumers money, and exacerbates biodiversity loss. All while more than 700 million people go hungry worldwide including 44 million Americans (13 million of which are children). America discards more food than any other country, an estimated 30-40% of the entire food supply. Each year that equates to 46 million tons of food, 145 billion meals, and $473 billion lost dollars that were used to grow, transport and dispose of the surplus (which is roughly 2% of U.S. GDP). This wasted food not only doesn’t make it to hungry people’s mouths, it’s also a greenhouse gas footprint equivalent to 4% of total U.S. GHG emissions. All of that of that time, energy, and money for nothing. Matriark's innovative approach to food upscaling offers a triple win: income for farmers and manufacturers, reducing carbon footprints, and enhancing nutritional well-being. Food as a Gateway: Food is more than nourishment; it's a gateway to connection, grounding, and humanity. We talk about breaking bread with others, as a way to form bonds. And food is literally how we nurture our bodies, so they have the fuel they need to operate in the world. Food is a way to ground, since natural food literally comes from the ground. Food serves as a cornerstone of human experience that ties us all together—but too many people are still tied together by the shared experience of food insecurity. This is a global problem, that we call need to do our part to help solve. References: ● Connect with Anna on LinkedIn ● Matriark Foods ● Matriark Foods + Google Food Team case study ● ReFED ● Baldor Specialty Foods ● Chex Finer Foods ● Hudson Harvest ● Rainforest Distribution ● Foodbuy ● Compass Group ● Upcycled Food Association ● Planet FWD Connect & Share: If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading them! If this episode resonated with you, I ask you to send it to a friend. Help bring even more visibility to these leaders that are using business as a force for good! Subscribe to the Purpose and Profit newsletter to make sure you don’t miss future episodes. This podcast is for you, the listener. I’d love to hear what resonated with you, or if you...
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