we can have everything that we want
we are so powerful
but it takes WORK you have to be willing to work for what you want and not just expect it to pop up without putting in the effort.
Past Podcasts with Maggie on The Garden Party
SZN 1 episode #4 Ganjapreneur Metaphysical AF (our first podcast guest!)
SZN 1 episode #7 Soul Contracts and CREATING MAGIC
Fruit slabs-finally a HEALTHY EDIBLE
The truth about the cannabis space
How Maggie transformed her business.
metaphysical AF A podcast where she gives you the tools to harness your divine purpose, embrace your mediumship gifts and reemerge with your higher self.
Cannabis Tarot cards-COMING SOON! Follow @metaphysicalmaggie and @metaphysicalaf for updates
Soul contracts-why we came to this planet and who we agreed to learn from and grow with
meeting your soul baby-Spirit Babies-How to communicate with the child you were meant to have https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/spirit-babies-how-to-communicate-with-the-child-youre-meant-to-have_walter-makichen/334459/item/7713666/?mkwid=%7cdc&pcrid=479710776853&pkw=&pmt=&slid=&plc=&pgrid=114138209478&ptaid=pla-1018002764806#idiq=7713666&edition=4521692
Who AM I? Maggies road to finding her genealogy and lineage
The absolute POWER of your manifestations
Past life regressions
Dr Joe Dispenza "your personality creates your personal reality"
Akashic Records -A radical approach to the akashic records melissa feick
Archetypes guide to enlightenment -Diana Coupo
The halls of Alementi -the vibrational lessons we choose to have in our lifetime
infinite possibilities !
Divinely dress to INDULGE yourself!
Metaphysical AF-DOWNLOAD + FOLLOW on spotify