Representation of women in the C-suite is at the highest its ever been, increasing from 17% to 28% since 2015. With a focus on women in leadership, this book discussion w/ Dr. Melissa Bloom (Queen Bee Chronicles: Empowering Women to Challenge Biases and Spark Change) is an exploration of the hidden biases that hinder women's progress in leadership roles. Now, more than ever, we cannot afford to ignore such hinderances that have the potential to keep us from expanding our reach.
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Key Take-a-ways
- There are ways to translate insights into tangible actions to dismantle the barriers described.
- We must address the challenges faced by and caused by women.
- There are Questions for Self-Reflection and Discussion available for each chapter
- There is an Organizational Focused Study Guide as well as a Small Group Book Study Guide in the back of this book
- We have a responsibility to leave this world better than it was when we entered it.
Julissa Nixon, MSW
Social Work Expat LLC
Youtube Channel: (youtube.com/@socialworkexpat
- White Women: Everything You Already Know about Your Own Racism and How to Do Better by Regina Jackson and Saira Rao
- The Equity Mindset: Designing Human Spaces Through Journeys, Reflections and Practices by Ifeomasinachi Ike
MELISSA'S SUPER MISSION: Remaining a kind and strong leader.
What do you plan to successfully challenge biases and spark meaningful change in leadership?