If you were expecting some over the top effort to commemorate five hundred of these mental breakdowns giving AntiHate masturbation material, I'm not sorry to disappoint you.
I really didn't think this would last to one hundred let alone five. It's not like they didn't try over the years from being the most slandered and smeared citizen in Canadian history to all of the jailings and everything in between.
I couldn't have done it without all of your support and encouragement. This rollercoaster of a story belongs to all of you as much as it does me. I will open up the telegram chat line for a while for anyone that would like to call in with any favorite moments or just to say hello. Here's to five hundred more and the continued runaway prescriptions of SSRI's to the nations dysgenic communist goblin kin.
Rumble (https://rumble.com/c/JeremyMacKenzie) Entropy (https://entropystream.live/RagingDissident) RagingDissident.com (https://stream.thegrift.shop/ragingdissident/2502) (experimental) TwitterX (https://x.com/JeremyMacKenzi) Kick (https://kick.com/ragingdissident)
• WEBSITE (https://ragingdissident.com/) • COMMUNITY (https://thegrift.shop/) • MERCH (https://thegrift.shop/) • (SUPPORT) (https://ragingdissident.gumroad.com/l/qjxzp)