In this episode of the Heartsmith Podcast, we cover the following topics from Imam al-Haddad's works: The importance of encouraging one's family and dependents to establish the Prayer and practical ways to achieve that The prohibition of cheating in commerce and the obligation of knowing the rulings related to our respective professions and fields Having Taqwa (God-consciousness) at work Finding the golden mean between extremes, and inclining towards that which is more virtuous The standards of scrupulousness We recommend owning all of Imam al-Haddad's published works and following along. The books in this gathering are read in the following order: Counsels of Religion (https://bit.ly/36W2j0i) The Complete Summons (https://bit.ly/36ZVeff) Knowledge and Wisdom (https://bit.ly/3tPQIdh) The Book of Assistance (https://amzn.to/3jzlqCn) The Lives of Man (https://amzn.to/3a95Bzz) Good Manners (https://bit.ly/3q7eHC7) A poem from Imam al-Haddad's Diwan of devotional poetry Other works by Imam al-Haddad: Mutual Reminders (https://bit.ly/3q7eHC7) Gifts for the Seeker (https://bit.ly/3q4Oh3X) For those who understand Arabic, the pdfs of Imam al-Haddad's works can also be found here: https://archive.org/details/AlimamAlhaddad