Radio Rollback Episode 046 Laser 558 is 40 Pt2
Erin Kelly & Stuart Vincent
Lasser 558 took Europe by storm when it launched from the MV Communicator on 24th May 1984.With an all hit fast paced format Presented by a slick team of American DJs.
On this episode, we hear from Erin Kelly, one of the Laserettes. They were Chris Carson, Liz West and Erin herself. Erin shares memories of her career, her days on the Northsea and talks about being back on the new Laser558 Live. Plus some great audio of Erin on air, from May 85
We also hear some Laser memories from Stuart Vincent, the radio engineer aboard the MV Communicator.
Notes More information about Erin and Stuart can be found at the Pirate Radio Hall Of Fame https://www.offshoreradio.co.uk
Stuart Vincent's Book is Live from the North Sea and other places.
Paul Ruslings Books are a real insight into Laser and can be found on Amazon or direct from https://paulrusling.com/Author.html
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