
  • #15 - Mishell Latour - Why Don't You Feel Truly Alive, Happy and Fulfilled?

    For years, I’ve told people that I HATE social media.


    I’ve literally avoided it for years.

    No Facebook, Instagram or TikTok.

    No Twitter.

    No Snapchat.

    But a few months ago, after a conversation with a friend, I decided to give it another shot.

    My friend wouldn’t shut up about these things called “reels”.

    He said it might be a good way to get the word out about Rageheart.

    So I decided to give it a try…

    …and it turns out, I’m actually having a blast with it.

    The reason I tell this story is because I met today’s guest on Instagram.

    She found a reel I’d made on how “get healed quick” is a scam.

    She liked it.

    She commented.

    That led to a DM conversation…

    …and then today’s podcast.

    So it turns out, Instagram is NOT the toxic waste of time that I thought it was.

    You can actually meet some pretty cool people on there.

    With that in mind…


    In This Episode with Mishell Latour, You’ll Discover:

    • How you can have it all and STILL be unhappy and unfulfilled (and how Mishell’s journey to fulfilment meant cutting off her parents, ending her marriage and tearing her old life apart)
    • How “get healed quick” is the self-help industry’s equivalent of “get rich quick” (if it sounds too good to be true…)
    • Why you need to stop using techniques like EFT to avoid your emotions (as one of my teachers said recently, true regulation needs no techniques)
    • How Mishell stopped intellectualizing her trauma and started actually feeling it (staying in your head is a surprisingly common mistake)
    • The missing key on the path to your freedom (hint: it’s not in your head)
    • How to actually ENJOY and DELIGHT in your feelings and thoughts (yes, even the pain, shame and blame)
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    49 分
  • #14 - Alice Little – World’s Highest Paid (And Most Passionate) Sex Worker on The Surprising Realities of Sex, Stigma, and Self-Love

    Let’s talk about sex baby…

    …again 😂

    This time, I’m talking with Alice Little.

    She’s a 4’8″ legal sex worker.

    A sex educator.

    Intimacy expert.


    She’s the highest paid and most successful legal sex worker in the US…

    …raking in a jaw-dropping $1.2 million dollars in just 12 months.

    So if you’ve ever assumed that sex work is not a viable, lucrative or rewarding career, think again.

    To top things off, she’s incredibly passionate about her work (as you’ll hear in this podcast) and enjoys the hell out of it.

    In This Episode with Alice Little, You’ll Discover:

    • The surprising reason why sex work is about way more than just sex (and why it’s definitely real work)
    • The deeper, often misunderstood appeal of BDSM (hint: it’s not just about the thrill)
    • Why women who aren’t sex workers stigmatize sex work (they fear its ________)
    • Alice’s eye-opening advice on why you should NEVER enter sex work to ‘find yourself’ (and her own journey to self-love)
    • The real reason why ignoring or suppressing conversations about sex (or sexual energy in general) is a recipe for disaster
    • How Alice skillfully navigates the most delicate and complex issues of sexual trauma in her line of work (without crossing any lines)
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    43 分
  • #13: Jonny Miller – How To Heal A Broken Heart

    In 2017, Jonny Miller’s fiancée took her own life.

    This podcast episode is about what happened next.

    How did Jonny deal with the gut-wrenching pain of this loss?

    How did he open to love again?

    And what were some of the most powerful lessons along the way?

    He describes this journey beautifully in one of his emails:

    "One of my more profound realizations –– and gifts of grief –– was that I had unknowingly spent the vast majority of my life living in my head and emotionally numb from the neck down."


    In This Episode with Jonny Miller, You’ll Discover:

    • How Jonny turned profound heartbreak into deep healing (with meditation, psychedelics and breathwork)
    • Why you don’t need to know where a given issue or “symptom” comes from (and what to do instead of analyzing it to death)
    • How to make decisions without spreadsheets, pro and con lists or journaling (decision making is actually a lot simpler than you think)
    • Why anger isn’t “bad” (plus, practical advice for how to work with anger)
    • How you can be angry AND loved at the same time (the wise words of Jonny’s teacher after a particularly intense “anger session”)
    • Why it’s normal to feel lost, uninspired and directionless when you first start to face your feelings (and how it went for Jonny when he got into it)
    • How to find love in your grief (plus, why they’re 2 sides of the same coin)
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    1 時間 2 分
  • #12: Uma Ayelet Furman – How To Have The Most Earth-Shattering Orgasms Of Your Life

    SEX 🥵

    It’s everyone’s favorite topic.

    We think about it.

    Talk about it.

    Dream about it.

    Joke about it.

    And if we try to suppress or avoid it…

    …it comes out sideways (say hello to the Catholic Church).

    So whether we accept and embrace it…

    …or repress and suppress it…

    …there’s no denying the fact that sexual energy is here to stay.

    The only question is:

    Will you have a healthy relationship with your sexual energy?

    Or will you choose to have a painful, anxiety-ridden relationship with your genitals?

    (And it IS a choice btw 💪)

    That’s the topic of today’s podcast with Uma Ayelet Furman from the Institute of Somatic Sexology.

    How does this relate to Rageheart and nervous system healing?

    Because the trick to having the most intense orgasm of your life is to get into your body.

    That’s what we do at Rageheart.

    And just like it transforms everything in life, it also transforms your sexuality.

    More pleasure.

    Deeper, more intimate connections.

    And orgasms that will you leave you shaking, trembling, growling and giggling from their intensity (yes, really).


    In This Episode with Uma Ayelet Furman from the Institute of Somatic Sexology, You’ll Discover:

    • How to have the most earth-shattering orgasms of your life (hint: AVOID your genitals)
    • 5 keys to unlocking more pleasure in your body (so you can have orgasms not just in your genitals – but all over your body)
    • How to ask for you what you want in the bedroom (and just as importantly, how to figure out WHAT you want in the first place)
    • The problem with modern day pornography (according to Uma, instead of quitting porn completely, just change the way your approach it, like this…)
    • How to get past the limiting scripts and stories that hold you back when it comes to sex (don’t settle for hum-drum sex that doesn’t light you up)
    • Uma’s best tools and tricks for keeping someone in their body during sex (THIS is the critical step to accessing newfound levels of pleasure)
    • How to start a “pleasure practice” in just 15 minutes a day (your homework for the next few weeks or months)
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    1 時間 6 分
  • #11: Jon Martin – The Shocking Truth About Your “Healthy” Lifestyle

    Have you tried “all the things” to feel “better” but keep hitting dead ends and running into walls?

    That’s literally what today’s podcast guest said when I asked him about his journey to health and healing.

    He’d tried it all and yet he still wasn’t healthy.

    He’d also known about the nervous system approach for years (and how important and foundational these topics are)…

    …but he couldn’t get himself to do more than scratch the surface of these topics.

    Says Jon:

    "I thought I had my own path to healing covered by biohacking, meditation, journaling, taking my supplements, being “healthy” and dialed in AF.

    I thought I was addressing things at the root cause.

    The root?

    I was convinced that I was suffering from some mystery illness that my doctors were failing to catch and observe via exams, labs, and extensive testing.

    Depending on the flavor of the week, I thought I battling lyme, or CFS, or EBV, or a generational curse that some witch had put on my Polish great-grandmother for continuously stinking up the neighborhood with never-ending batches of stinky sauerkraut.

    Each new self-diagnosis brought with it a new supplement, going to a different doctor or energy worker, trying different diets, buying a new tool (e.g. – somehow I managed to stuff an infrared sauna in my tiny NYC apartment).

    Truthfully, none of these tools/practices/diets/etc. made a meaningful impact on my life and I kept on hitting wall after wall, wondering when I’d finally feel good and stop feeling shitty and malaise.

    I never considered that I was simply shutdown and dysregulated, and all these interventions were bandaids on bullet wounds."

    That’s what today’s podcast is about.

    We talk about his life before he started to work with his nervous system and survival physiology…

    …what he did once he finally got into it…

    …and how his life is now as a result of all the nervous system work.


    In This Episode with Jon Martin, You’ll Discover:

    • Why Jon’s “healthy” lifestyle didn’t actually make him healthy (and what he had to do instead)
    • How to stop blaming and hating on yourself (it’s actually really simple and it doesn’t require years of meditation or therapy)
    • The little-known dangers of bypassing your emotions (and how you end up “compressed”, with no highs and no lows, just the mid-range, feeling apathetic and MEH)
    • How the nervous system approach to healing has transformed Jon’s life (from thinking he had Lyme disease to getting to the ACTUAL problem and solving it)
    • Why it’s important to go SLOW with nervous system work (hint: it’s like learning to ride a bike)
    • How to be your authentic self (plus, what even IS your authentic self?)
    • Why some people find meditation difficult, if not impossible (and what they should do instead)
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    1 時間 11 分
  • #10: Logan Hobson - How To Reduce Anxiety Immediately When Everything Else Has Failed

    If you struggle with anxiety, overthinking or racing thoughts, you've probably tried a whole lotta things to fix it...

    • Meditation
    • Journaling
    • Gratitude lists
    • Breathwork
    • Talk therapy
    • Drugs

    ...and more.

    The question is:

    Did it work?

    Logan Hobson, a freelancer copywriter who lives in Japan, used all of these things but it didn't fix his anxiety.

    He says he would sit down, close his eyes and meditate and then feel kind of calm and collected.

    But during the day, when it really mattered, before sales calls and in social situations, the anxious feelings and racing thoughts came rushing back in.

    Gratitude lists, journaling and even talk therapy were the same.

    In his words...

    "When you're doing the practice, it's great. But when it really counts, it's not there for you."

    Then he found something that actually worked.

    It reduced his anxiety immediately...

    ...cleared his head quicker than anything he'd tried before...

    ...and the racing thoughts and the tightness in his chest didn't rush back in like they normally did.

    Plus, he could use the techniques during his day, when it really mattered.

    That's what this episode is about.

    How Logan reduced his anxiety immediately when everything else failed - and how you can too.


    In This Episode with Logan Hobson, You'll Discover:

    • how to reduce anxiety immediately when everything else has failed (it's so simple and profound and yet SO powerful)
    • why meditation, gratitude lists, journaling and even talk therapy didn't work for Logan (and what to do instead)
    • how Logan used these techniques to soothe his anxiety while skydiving (so he could actually enjoy the experience instead of being stuck in his head)
    • the approach that Logan says "works 10x better than meditation" (and how to get started with it)
    • the counter-intuitive truth about anxiety, overthinking and tightness in your chest (most people either don't this or won't tell you)
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    36 分
  • #9: Vic Dorfman – How To Stop Getting Seduced By Psychopaths, Narcissists and Manipulative People

    Have you ever met a narcissist?

    What about a psychopath?

    Or maybe just a manipulative person?

    It’s not fun.

    Especially if they get the better of you.

    But you don’t have to be a victim.

    There are powerful tools for detecting psychopaths, narcissists and manipulative people.

    You just have to put them in your toolbox.

    That’s what this podcast is about.

    Tools for not getting seduced by bad people…

    …whether the “bad people” are dickheads at work, school or in the family.


    In This Episode with Vic Dorfman, You’ll Discover:

    • How to stop getting seduced by psychopaths, narcissists and manipulative people
    • Why you want your buttons to get pushed (but only by the right people at the right time)
    • How to feel your feelings without wallowing in them (and why it’s not really about feeling your feelings but feeling your s__s_____s)
    • Why you might feel more anxious as your life gets better
    • How to stop using meditation as a “spiritual bypass” (it’s an easy-but-costly mistake to make)
    • Why you should pay close attention when you don’t like someone’s face (and how to stop feeling guilty for not liking someone)
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    1 時間 1 分
  • #8: Gayla - The Lifechanging Power of Somatic Therapy
    Can life's most traumatic moments become stepping stones to profound healing? Join me as Gayla, a nursing professional and spiritual seeker, recounts her journey of overcoming dissociation after a significant relationship ended. Guided by Rageheart, she re-established a sense of safety and connection with her body. I share my own experiences with nervous system shutdowns during prolonged meditation, underscoring the importance of addressing stuck energy for overall well-being.T...
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    42 分