
  • ReConceive Sex, Love, and Limbic Resonance
    Tracy and Deborah interview Dr. Ginger Holczer, licensed psychologist and certified sex therapist on current societal problems with sexuality and how therapists unwittingly maintain the problem through deficiencies in sex education. This first episode of a two-part conversation explores problems in intimacy and beginning ideas about reversing the trend, personally and clinically.
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  • Pilates as Psychotherapy
    Deborah and Tracy interview Richard Forrist, Pilates instructor, dancer, musician, and actor, about mental health and Pilates training. Trauma, including toxic elements of mainstream culture, affect movement and posture as well as how we view our bodies. Richard helps us discuss how the everyday trauma of living in modern society changes how we hold our bodies and how that translates into pain, loss of balance, and weakness. Pilates restores these by distilling movement and posture into their essence, allowing our bodies to experience learning and change. Special attention is given to therapists and all helping professionals who can greatly benefit from regular Pilates training.
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  • How We Get Ready
    Deborah and Tracy discuss their preparation processes for doing therapy. We like to say, Your session begins before you arrive, because we are getting ourselves ready, both individually, and as a team, to be our most effective selves in session. We focus on meditation and movement practices that help them, individually, get ready for a day of working with clients. We also discuss joint practices for getting ready as co-therapists to do a co-therapy session. Tracy explains muscle testing as part of his preparation process both before and during a session. Learn more about muscle testing here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3259988/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCYK8EcxAcw https://www.wagnerchiro.com/your-body-is-talking-are-you-listening-muscle-testing-as-a-way-to-talk-to-communicate-with-the-body/
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  • Starting Points: Important Mentors and What They Taught Us
    Deborah and Tracy discuss teachers, mentors, and friends who've provided support and frameworks for understanding the work . . . and life.
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  • Into the Woods: Why we have to feel it to heal it
    As we continue looking at how therapists can take better care of themselves, we take a look at in-session emotional dynamics. Experts have long said we must feel the emotion of trauma in order to heal it. Deborah and Tracy discuss the body mind system and why it's important to be able to perceive emotion as a physical sensation in order to process information in trauma recovery.
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  • Embodiment through Dance Therapy
    In this episode, Deborah and Tracy talk with Elizabeth Austin about her Affective Movement Therapy practice in St. Louis. Beth helps people learn to feel calmer and more alive by encouraging organic movement in her therapy sessions. While “dance” looks different for everyone, both therapist and client access more emotion, resilience, and personal authority through even the smallest intentional movements. Practitioners can model (and learn) play by dancing in session.
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  • Therapist Loneliness
    Therapist Loneliness Loneliness is associated with a variety of health problems and shortened life span (Hawkley, 2022; Hawkley & Cacioppo, 2010). Deborah and Tracy visit again with Doug Shirley, professor at The Seattle School, about the loneliness of the psychotherapist: both the individual factors - and the systemic issues of our profession - that make helpers more likely to be lonely. We talk about how helpers of all stripes can address the problem of loneliness in our own lives and in the profession at large. Learn more here: Hawkley, L. C. (2022). Loneliness and health. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 8. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41572-022-00355-9 Hawkley, L. C., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2010). Loneliness matters: A theoretical and empirical review of consequences and mechanisms. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 40 (2). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3874845/
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  • Be the Change: Therapy as a Political Act
    Be the Change As a helper, do you believe you make a difference in the wider world? Or do you see yourself operating on an individual scale, helping people improve their lives but not creating large-scale differences. In 1969, activist Carol Hanish wrote, “The personal is political.” This statement became a center point for feminist psychotherapy in the 70s and beyond. Deborah and Tracy talk about the politics of doing therapy. While most therapists probably believe what we do is apolitical, therapy is always political. We either reinforce or challenge the status quo within the dominant culture. So we helpers need to examine our values and look at how the work we do supports the values we hold. To learn more: Cushman, Philip (1995). Psychotherapy as Moral Discourse. In Cushman, P. (1995). Constructing the Self, Constructing America. DaCapo Press. Totton, Nick (2006). The Politics of Psychotherapy: New Perspectives. New York: Open University Press.
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