• Mark 12: Render to God

    ref. Mt 21-23

    I. Parable of the Vineyard v.1-12

    II. Paying taxes to Caesar v.13-17

    III. Question about resurrection v.18-27

    IV. The Greatest Commandment v.28-34

    V. Son of David v.35-37

    VI. Beware the Scribes v.38-40

    (phariees included)

    VII. Widow's offering v.41-44

    Truth - the Son of David comes to bear fruit in God's Kingdom

    App - To Grasp God's desire- to love him in our hearts, minds, our bodies is more than sacrifice. Bears fruit.

    Widow's two copper coins - fruit.

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    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

    © 2001 by Crossway,

    a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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  • Mark 11: Hosanna!

    I. Jesus' triumphal entry v.1-11

    - colt

    - leafy branches

    - v.10 - Blessed is the Coming Kingdom

    - enter Jerusalem - late.

    II. Curses Fig Tree v.12-14

    III. Clears the temple v.15-19

    IV. Fig tree withered - Power in prayer

    - 2 secrets to power in prayer

    - faith - vertical

    - forgivness - horizontal

    - 11:24

    V. Religious Leaders question Jesus' authority v.27-33

    - by what authority

    - Christ ties his ministry to John's

    - holds the authority of God's Kingdom

    Pattern in chapter - Jerusalem - Temple - Fig Tree (2x), prayer.

    - Jerusalem - and the temple has been fruitless

    Truth - Jesus brings God's Kingdom

    - confronting Jerusalem

    Application - Receive the King

    Pry in faith and forgiveness

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    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

    © 2001 by Crossway,

    a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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  • Mark 10: Cry Out The Son of David

    Read from:

    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

    © 2001 by Crossway,

    a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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  • Mark 9: Listen to the Son

    - context v.1 - connected to previous ref to Christ's coming

    I. Transfiguration v.2-13

    - this is my beloved son, listen to him! x.1

    - To I really grasp who Jesus is? Clear vision?

    - Am I listening to him?

    - tell no one.... major repeated idea

    - transitionary time - there was more to come

    II. Jesus heals the mute boy v.14-29

    - Disciples unable

    - faithless - unbelieving

    - "If you can! All things are possible for one who believes!"

    - v.24 - I believe! help my unbelief!

    - mute/deaf spirits

    - v.29 - this kind cannot come out but by prayer

    - prayer and faith

    III. Jesus predicts death and resurrection v.30-32

    IV. The Greatest v.33-41

    - receive the least - child, Christ, God - Receiving children

    - tried to stop him

    - don't stop

    - mighty work - for us, not against us.

    - receive him.

    - reward for receiving Christ's disciples for serving them.

    V. Causes of sin v.42-50

    - woe to those cause little ones to sin.

    - cut off causes to sin.

    - hell vs. enter life KOG

    - where their worm doesn't die x. Is. 66:24

    - fire is not quenched

    - everything salted with fire

    - salt & sacrifices

    - Have salt in yourselves - preserved through fire.

    - [ ] Keep yourself for God not sin.

    Read from:

    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

    © 2001 by Crossway,

    a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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  • Mark 8: Blurry Vision

    - Seeing Christ Clearly

    I. Christ feeds 4,000 out of compassion v.1-10

    - compassion - tenderness of Christ's heart

    II. Pharisees seek sign v.11-13

    - no sign

    - leaven of pharisees

    III. Disciples & Hard Hearts v.14-21

    - eyes

    - ears

    IV. Jesus heals blindman in stages v.22-26

    - Blurry vision - see Jesus - blurry hearts

    - Mark using these stories to convey a message.

    V. Peter confesses Christ v.27-30

    VI. Jesus predicts his death/resurrection v.31-38

    - Peter rebukes Jesus

    - Jesus rebukes Peter

    FCF - Blurry Vision comes from hard heart and self-focus

    Read from:

    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

    © 2001 by Crossway,

    a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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  • Mark 7: God's Word vs. Human Conventions

    I. Traditions of Man vs. Commands of God v.1-13

    - traditions - handed down

    - defile - ceremonial uncleanness vs. moral uncleanness.

    - [ ] Beware of voiding God's Word through traditions/conventions

    - external vs. internal worship

    - Corban

    II. What defiles a person v.14-23

    - Not comes into a man

    - Jews - food laws - Leviticus - clean vs unclean - declared all foods clean.

    - Outward vs. Inward Righteousness

    III. Syrophoenecian Woman v.24-30

    - the priority of the Jews - "First to the Jews, then to the Greek"

    - Canaanite - outward defiled, yet of faith

    - unable to be hidden

    - hears our cry

    IV. Jesus heals a deaf/mut man v.31-37

    - Decapolis - 10 cities

    - spitting - defile

    - hands on

    Christ makes us clean!

    Christ breaking human convention

    Christ calls us to obey the Word of God - not the traditions of men.

    Read from:

    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

    © 2001 by Crossway,

    a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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  • Mark 6: It Is I

    Christ shows us how to live out of fellowship with God and move in compassion for others.

    I. Jesus rejected @ Nazareth v.1-6

    - marveled at unbelief

    - man marvels at miracles, Jesus marvels at unbelief

    II. Jesus sends out Apostles v.7-13

    - gave authority

    - instructions - take nothing, rely on hospitality

    - cast out demons, anoint oil, - James 5.

    III. Herod kills John the Baptist v.15-29

    - Herod - superstitious, John had been raised

    - feared John, but feared his dinner guests.

    IV. Christ feeds 5,000 v.30-44

    - context - disciples have returned from busy ministry

    - Jesus suggests rest

    - then has compassion and gives

    - encourages disciples to give - "You give them something to eat."

    - Jesus models generous, selfless service

    - Ready to love.

    V. Jesus walks on water v.45-52

    - sends disciples

    - Jesus dismissed crowd

    - goes up to pray

    - "Energizer Jesus"

    - painful headway vs. Jesus' glide

    - In Christ is an unlimited supply - Christ is the source of life.

    - Hardened - don't know who this is - the Ego Eimi - I am.

    VI. Heal in Gennesaret v.53-56

    Truth - Christ has compassion

    App - Fellowship with God, Believe in Him, Minister through him.

    Read from:

    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

    © 2001 by Crossway,

    a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

    All rights reserved.

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  • Mark 5: Demons and Daughters

    2 Stories highlighting Jesus' power over demons and power to heal.

    #### I. Christ subdues the Demon Possessed Man v.1-20

    - characteristics of a \*demonized person -

    - tombs - darkness and death

    - supernatural strength

    - out of control - no one can subdue!

    - self-harm

    - crying out

    - detection of other persons - Legion

    - The worst case in Scripture.

    - Demons recognize Christ - Son of the Most High God

    - Ask Jesus not to torture them.

    - Christ cast demons unclean spirits into unclean animals

    - commit suicide.

    - Subdues the Demonized Man

    - Sitting. Listening - Learning.

    - Clothed.

    - Right mind - sound mind/Self-control.

    - [ ] Go home and tell everyone how **the Lord** has had mercy - tells everyone what **Jesus** had one for him.

    - why Tell everyone vs. tell no one? 1:44-45 - hindered Christ's ability to enter towns and preach freely. Distracted from his message.

    - [ ] Feel that you experience something that seems demonic - lack of control.... deep into sin... Appeal to Christ who has power. Find a serious disciple of Jesus.

    #### II. Heals Two Daughters v.21-43

    - \*Ruler of the Synagogue - Jewish Worship Gathering Place - like a church.

    - preside over and keep order in the local synagogue

    - select readers, teachers

    - examine content of public speakers

    - Faith of Jairus - come and lay your hands on her...

    - Faith of a Woman with a discharge of blood -

    - Unhealeable. Wasted all of her money on doctors. Even harmed by her doctors.

    - "If I touch his garment - made well."

    - One says, "If you lay hands on my daughter, she'll be well."

    - The other - If I lay my hands on him - "I will be well."

    - Christ affirms the woman - Your faith has made you well.

    - Jairus - "Do not fear, only believe."

    - People laugh at him.

    - Raises her up.

    ### Truth

    Christ the Son of the Most High has power over demons and over disease.

    - Christ can tame the untame-able.

    - He can heal the unheale-able.

    #### Application

    - Is your life out of control? Slave to Sin, or a slave to Christ? Are you subdued under Christ's power?

    - Christ can subdue your heart, set you free from Satan's oppression.

    Read from:

    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

    © 2001 by Crossway,

    a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

    All rights reserved.

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