In this episode we’re speaking with Rebecca Ziegler - Product Manager at Tomorrow Bio, a member of the Berlin Standby Team, and the newest moderator on the Cryosphere.
- Why Rebecca chose business over politics
- What it’s like to work at Tomorrow Bio
- Job opportunities in European Cryonics
- Why Tomorrow Bio is expanding to the US
- Profit vs Nonprofit corporate structures in the Cryonics space
- The motivations of Cryonicists
- Tomorrow Bio’s new “Brain Only” cryopreservation
- Alcor’s “Neuro” option vs TB’s “Brain Only” option
- How Tomorrow Bio views marketing cryonics to the public
- Why Tomorrow Biostasis changed their name to Tomorrow Bio
- Why female cryonicists are less common than male Cryonicsts
- The migration of the Biostasis Hub to the Cryosphere Discord Server
- Questions from the Cryosphere on R&D
- Rebecca’s experience hosting a Ukrainian refugee
- Chat GPT and if cryonicists should be worried about runaway AGI?
You can also check out our video version on YouTube.
As can find Max and Daniel and Rebecca over at the Cryonics Underground Channel in the Cryosphere Cryonics discord server. And you can find out more about Tomorrow Bio at tomorrow.bio