
  • What Music Should Christian's Consume?

    We are bombarded by different media more than ever in history. What types of movies, books, podcasts and music should we consume in our daily lives?

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    40 分
  • "No One Will Snatch Them Out Of My Hand." -Perseveration of the Saints

    27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. -John 10:27-28

    Philippians 1:6: “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

    “Nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord . . . except for our own weakness”1 (see Rom. 8:38–39).

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    42 分
  • Whenever God Pleases He Overcomes Your Resistance.

    The title of this episode is from a sermon by John Piper talking about God's Sovereign Grace in Salvation AKA- Irresistible Grace/Effectual Grace. I think every Christian confirms they believe God can do whatever he pleases. Well I'd hope so because it's a bible verse (Psalm 115:3) But the question then goes, does he save whoever he wants to at any time? Or is our will stronger than his in salvation? Let's dig in scripture and find out. For more about this topic here's a great article/video. https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/the-free-will-of-the-wind/excerpts/is-grace-really-irresistible

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    34 分
  • Do Not Despise Prophecies But Test Everything.

    What does the bible say about testing Prophecies?

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    43 分
  • How To Be Truly Happy- Society vs What God Says.

    Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! -Philippians 4:4

    God commands us to have Joy, But how do we do this especially in our struggle with temptation and suffering?? People find the most Joy in the thing they value most. Are we valuing the attributes of God, What God has done through his Son Jesus for us on the Cross? Are we valuing what the Holy Spirit provides through knowing him? Join us in this study of the important Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

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    41 分
  • Christians Have Demons? -Vlad Savchuk's Theology Examined Biblically

    Many deliverance ministries claim to preform most of their exorcisms on Christians. Is this biblical? We must lay all our experiences at the foot of the bible to see if is the reality that God says it is. 2 Tim 3:16-17

    Today we examine popular slavic teacher Vlad Savchuk from Hungry Gen. to see if he is teaching sound theology in the realm of demonology.

    For more resources on sound refutation of this teaching check out Fighting for the Faith Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZbqvmayGXI

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    54 分
  • Judges 19- Not A Bed Time Story For Kids

    Judges 19-21 One of the most horrific stories in the Bible, which lead to a massive war. Why is it in the Bible and what can we understand and apply from this story for modern times?

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    36 分
  • Dealing with Trauma- From a Christian Worldview

    Trauma from a biblical perspective

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    52 分