Relationship Trama

著者: Anthony Lockett
  • サマリー

  • There was a man named David who was constantly being watched at his workplace. His manager would breathe down his neck, checking everything that he did. This made Mike feel frustrated and useless. Despite his best efforts, his boss would never appreciate his hard work. David morale started deteriorating day by day, and he was unable to take it anymore. He knew that he needed to do something about it before it was too late. One day, david decided to confront his manager about the constant surveillance he had to go through. He spoke to his manager respectfully and explained how it was affectin
    Anthony Lockett
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There was a man named David who was constantly being watched at his workplace. His manager would breathe down his neck, checking everything that he did. This made Mike feel frustrated and useless. Despite his best efforts, his boss would never appreciate his hard work. David morale started deteriorating day by day, and he was unable to take it anymore. He knew that he needed to do something about it before it was too late. One day, david decided to confront his manager about the constant surveillance he had to go through. He spoke to his manager respectfully and explained how it was affectin
Anthony Lockett
  • Don't forget about me ep 16
    Tay calls Marcus. Marcus doesn't respond mercy says who is that. Marcus says nobody. I have to go see Jeffery about something I will be back. Marcus goes to tay house and tay says I hope you didn't kill adam. Marcus says know I did not kill him. Tay says they found his car. In a lake and he is now missing. Marcus says look tay I didn't do anything you have to, believe me, I went to see him that night and he tried to come on to me I pushed him off me and told him I am not like that anymore he got mad. And said if I can't have you no one will. I said whatever dude and left him right there. Tay says at what time. Marcus says I was not looking at the watch. Tay says ok and why didn't you answer me when I called you. You know how I get when you do that. Are you messing with trannys again? Marcus says no what are you talking about it was a mistake. Tay says a mistake you made two times Marcus says whatever and leaves he goes to Jeffery's house. Jeffrey says wow man that dude adam missing Marcus says yea I heard. Jeffrey says it's a crazy world we live in. Marcus says yes It is but look, man, I am thinking about marrying mercy Jeffery says what? How Marcus says by getting on one knee and asking. Jeffrey says know mean like you still dealing with tay Marcus says yea but I am falling out of love with her and mercy is everything I am looking for. Jeffery says Make sure this is something you want to do Marcus says I am sure. Tay talks to her brother Wayne and asks him what you think about adam disappearing. Wayne says I don't know the dude. But it is always the person close to you. Tay says I was thinking the same thing I think it was Marcus Wayne saying what? Why tay says it is because they use to be close back in the day and adam kept bothering him about something Wayne says something like what. Tay says it's nothing just a thought. The next day tay is at work and the police question her about adam. Tay says I didn't known him that long he got in contact with me over the internet about a job at the shop. It just opened like 2 months ago. The officer asks how did you open the shop. Tay says does that matter. The officer says maybe you never know where it might lead tay says well my ex-boyfriend helped me open it. The officer asks who is the ex-boyfriend tay says Marcus the officer asks how we find this Marcus. Tay says I don't know that's your job. Are we done here? The officer says yes and they leave. Tay gets nervous and calls Marcus. Marcus responds and tay says the police are asking a question about the shop and adam. Marcus says what did you say. Tay says nothing important just you helped me open it and that's it Marcus says ok what are you worried about you have all the paperwork for the building it's fine. Tay says ok and hangs up. Mercy comes into the room and asks Marcus who was. Marcus says nobody mercy says that's the second nobody you've been talking to. Are you dealing with your ex-girl again? Marcus says no baby I only have eyes for you. I love you now let's get some rest
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  • Don't forget about me ep 15
    Marcus wakes up at tay house. Tay asks him where were you last night. You just came in here late. Marcus says it's not important. He cut his phone on and mercy texted and left over 50 voicemails. Marcus says I have to go to work he kisses tay and goes to work once he gets their mercy is upset asking him where wore you last night. Marcus says I got drunk and fell asleep at Jeffery's house. Jeffrey looks and says yes I was going to tell you. But didn't want to get in the middle of y'all. Business mercy says whatever next time you tell me. I was scared something happened to my baby. Mercy goes inside and Jeffery says where were you, dude. Marcus says I was with tay last night. Jeffrey says oh you still doing the two-girl thing. Marcus says yes I can't let them go. The day goes by and Marcus and mercy go to lunch mercy ask Marcus about adam. Marcus says I have no communication with that guy. Mercy says you stormed out of the house like you were going to do something to him. Marcus says and risk my freedom never will I do that. Anyway what do you want to do tonight we should go out to eat or something I want to make it up to you for making you worry. Mercy says ok we will do that. The workday is over and as Marcus is driving home tay calls him and says I need you to come over now. Marcus says ok I will be there shortly. He texts mercy and tells her. He will be home later Jeffery wants to talk to him. About something mercy says ok I will be waiting for you at home. Marcus goes to tay house and tay says did you do it Marcus says do What. Tay says get rid of him. Marcus says no. I didn't do anything to that dude. Tay says well he is missing and no one knows where he is at. And your last location was near his house last night before you came to my house. Marcus says I drove by there but I didn't do anything. Tay says I hope not because you will be going to jail for a long time. Marcus says he might pop up later. He is a grown man. Tay says I hope so. Marcus says whatever and leaves. Marcus goes to mercy house and says hey baby you ready? Mercy says yes I am. Marcus takes a bath and changes clothes then they head out. They go to a nice restaurant Marcus gives mercy flowers and tells her I love you. Mercy smiles and is happy. Mercy looks at her phone and says wow somebody was the car was found in the lake Marcus says wow that's crazy. Did they say who it belongs to? Mercy says no not yet. Marcus says don't worry about that baby let's just enjoy our night. Dinner was over and as Marcus and mercy are driving home mercy says oh my God they say the car belongs to adam. Marcus says adam? Mercy says yes and his house looks like it's been destroyed. But there is no sign of him anywhere. Marcus says wow that's crazy. I hope he is ok. Mercy says yea me too. You didn't do anything right. Marcus says hell no. I didn't touch that dude. I don't know what happen to him like I said I was with Jeffery last night. And he told you that. Mercy says ok I hope so because you were mad last night
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  • Don't forget about me ep 14
    Marcus wakes up at Mercy's house and Mercy left a note saying they had to handle some business she cooked and left breakfast on the table. Marcus eats and goes to work he sees Mercy kissing her and says hey baby I missed you this morning. Mercy said I missed you too but work has to be done. Marcus says ok. At lunchtime, Adam comes through the door saying hey bestie you ready? Mercy says yes and Marcus is shocked Adam looks a Marcus and says hey friend. Marcus just looks at me with no response. Mercy says Baby I hope you don't mind Adam is coming with us for lunch. Marcus says no I am good. I still have more work to finish. Mercy says are you sure. Marcus says yes I am positive. Adam says all that's sad I was hoping to catch up. With you. Marcus says maybe another time. Then they leave. Jeffery says what's going on Man first he was around tay now he is around Mercy. Looks like be trying to take your girls, man. Marcus says now he can do that. Jeffery says yea I remember he was gay remember he got caught in the bathroom with that dude we never found out who he was with. Marcus says yea that's crazy and old as hell. Jeffery says maybe he likes you and starts laughing Marcus says funny very funny let's get back to work man. After work, Marcus goes to tay house and tay says how was work Marcus says it was good. I missed you though tay says I miss you too. Marcus gets up and kisses tay and tay ask are you still thinking about hurting Adam Marcus says no I am just going to leave that situation alone. And let it die out. I wanna give you a baby though. Tay smiles and says I'm happy you let it go. Because it's old you made a mistake when you were younger you experimented with him and that was it. I forgive you. But those trannys still be on my mind, Marcus. Marcus says Baby it was a mistake as well I will never do that again I felt bad afterward. I am done with that life. I love you tay and always will. Adam and Mercy are done shopping and Mercy say do you want to come over for dinner. Adam says no I am tired maybe next time though. Mercy says ok and leaves. Mercy goes home and Marcus is there cooking and says hey baby how was it? Mercy says it was fun. Adam is a cool guy but between me and you, I think he is gay. Or on the down low. But that's, not my business. You seem upset when you saw him. Is there something a need to know? Marcus says no I just don't like to see another man around my woman like that. Mercy says well I don't think he looking at me like that. And he kept asking me questions about you. Marcus says questions like what. Mercy says how long have we been dating. How do you like to satisfy me with all types of personal stuff? But I didn't think anything of it. Marcus says to stay away from that dude Mercy says why. Marcus says because I said so and he walks out of the house. Mercy says where are you going Marcus says to cool off. Marcus gets in the car and calls Adam. Adam says hey I knew you would call. Marcus says yea he has the same number we need to meet Adam says when and where.
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