2024 has come to an end as well as Nogcember. What better way to celebrate than with some body horror that ends on New Years Eve!? We're talking The Substance!
Before that we'll also each list out our top 5 films of 2024!
We encourage everyone to watch along while you listen and make sure to comment and let us know what you think. If you haven't already please follow us on Facebook, TikTok, "X" and Instagram @bloodygoodfilmpodcast and remember...
Keep it bloody buddies!!!
#noggcember #nogcember #blackchristmas #blackxmas #thesubstance #trancers #jackdeth #evilsants #action #jessielovesnog #noglovesnogg #remakes #Horror #ActionFilm #ActionMovie #ActionMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorFilms #HorrorMovie