
  • Jesus Offers Abundant Life
    40 分
  • A Conversation On Loneliness

    At one or another, we can all struggle with loneliness, listen in as Ben and Cody walk us through what to do with that emotion, the fears and lies underneath it and the truths that help us fight it.

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    49 分
  • Performance vs. Identity

    It's human nature to want to achieve. To be seen and known and admired. We stack ourselves up against one another through work and relationships and accomplishments. And those very things are where we're all tempted to put our identity, to seek satisfaction. And maybe that's you too, and maybe it's left you feeling if there's more to life, if there's something you're missing. In Mark 10:17-31 we're introduced to a young man who ask Jesus what so many want to know: what do I have to do to get eternal life? And Jesus, looking on him with love like He does us, answers him. This passage shows us the importance of what we give our hearts to and what we put our identity in. Listen in as Rob takes us through this passage.

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    35 分
  • Sufferer, Sinner and Saint

    Suffering is inevitable, but how we respond can show us a lot about ourselves and what we believe about the Lord. Listen in as Robert walks us through our different perspectives in suffering: sufferer, sinner and saint.

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    36 分
  • The Why and How of Reconciliation

    As followers of Jesus, we are called to be ministers of reconciliation. It starts with forgiveness, something that Christ has already made available to us, but in practice reconciliation can be hard to pursue. Join us as Ben walks us through the how and why of reconciliation.

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    42 分
  • What Jesus Has to Say About Pride and Humility

    We’re all prone to pride and we’re all called to humility. Listen in as Ryan McCarthy walks us through Luke 18:9-14 and shows us a story Jesus used to teach his audience about what pride and humility look like and how one leads to death and the other to life.

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    41 分
  • Jesus as Pursuer: How He Draws the Prodigals Home

    In Luke 15, we see the story of the Prodigal son and how he looks for satisfaction in all the wrong places. If you’re familiar with the story, you know he’s welcomed home by a loving and gracious father that gives us a picture of how our heavenly father loves us. A detail that often gets overlooked is how the older brother responds to the Father’s grace towards his wayward son. Listen in as Robert shows us how there’s a lesson for all of us in the story of both brothers. We all have a Father who wants to meet us with grace and welcome us in, whether you’ve strayed and feel far off or are tempted to put your worth and identity in doing things the right way.

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    31 分
  • Compassion Instead of Condemnation

    John 8:3-11 is a story that shows us that Jesus is compassionate. Not just in His forgiveness of our sins but in how He calls us to live. Even in our worst moments, when He could meet us with condemnation, He instead looks on us with compassion. Does that truth impact your day-to-day? Jesus knows and cares for you more deeply than anyone else. Your relationship with Him doesn’t have to be marked by guilt or shame. Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. Not your own opinion, not the words or actions or intentions of others, and not even your worst moments. Listen in as Robert unpacks this story and what it means for us.

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    31 分