
  • Episode 10. Explore the playground

    EXPLORE THE PLAYGROUND Unravel the permission to explore the playground that life is

    Channeling this one was like receiving a gentle slap in the face…when my Guides awaken me, they at least do it in love.

    Through all of the learnings within I was taken back over my life to see when play was shut out, and how fear truly was the culprit trapping me in.

    'I’m too busy to play', yet play would open me up.

    ‘I have responsibilities’, yet play would awaken me to do them in a more expansive way.

    I could blame it on adulting, but really it was shut down long before that. And in my willingness to see when it happened, I can see how to once again be free.

    All unraveling begins with one step, the willingness to see the truth of where you’re at.

    I hope this podcast leads you into your own observation, as it has done for me.

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  • Episode 9. Wonders of life

    WONDERS OF LIFE Fall in love with the discovery of life itself

    No I will not explore my Human Design, and no I don’t care what archetype I’m living in. I have long since grown out of these things.

    Because what took me a long time to realise, is that each time I attached to something that put me into a category, or added to my label, I was limiting myself to knowing who I truly am.

    …and don’t get me started on what happens when you unconsciously claim and then connect yourself to the vibration attached to these things.

    The journey into myself is a daily occurrence, and in my willingness to accept the vastness that is me, I can journey deeper into the discovery with no resistance.

    That is how we were meant to play life…

    Why do you look for something or someone to define who you are?

    Why do you believe a definition could ever hold you?

    Why would you even live in a state that would be so consistent that you could claim it as who you are?

    Who YOU are is more vast than you know. And each time that you attempt to define yourself, you block yourself from accessing that knowing.

    Journey into the release of all of your labels…true freedom is waiting for you on the other side. So is the unlocking of the wonder of life.

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  • Episode 8. Aligning to faith

    ALIGNING TO FAITH Review your concepts of faith to come into the depth of what is possible

    Oh have I been back and fourth with this one.

    Growing up in a religious home, I felt a deep disrespect for God to see this any other way.

    When I released the projection of a man made God, I wasn’t left with a disconnection from God, but a restoration of self.

    The energy of God is alive in me in all moments, just as it is within you.

    The feeling of love I had for God didn’t dim, it intensified with a greater understanding of what God is.

    Do I feel that I of myself am God? No. And it would only be an illusion that would have you hear my words in this way.

    In a willingness to come face to face with the fears that are within, you will understand this for yourself.

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  • Episode 7. The journey of love

    THE JOURNEY OF LOVE Explore the beauty of the journey of life bringing us back to love

    I see this at funerals all the time.

    Love becomes the only thing that matters, and for a moment, everyone connected to the loss holds love within their hearts. In that space of time, everyone connects and appreciates that love really is all that matters in this life.

    Then only days, or weeks later, everyone is back in the egoic state, buying into the illusion of and distractions of life, once again holding contempt in their hearts for others.

    What would it take for humanity to hold this post-loss-love as their continuous state?

    How many times do we need to lose someone before we learn what life is truly about?

    I know I still have a long way to go in this area, yet what I can appreciate is that I’ve anchored into the mission, and continuously challenge myself to expand my capacity to love.

    It isn’t always easy…let’s be honest, it usually never is. But the more that I stay in the process of evolving in this way, the more my heart continues to expand.

    On the other side of these growth experiences, I find it was always worth the challenge that presented. And then I prepare knowing that the higher level of this love challenge will next be on its way.

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  • Episode 6. A time to release

    A TIME TO RELEASE Your guidance to know when its time to release and move through a life lesson

    I only wish this version of me could have a conversation with my former self.

    I used to be allergic to responsibility…how I got myself into that state is a story for another time.

    What happened though when I unraveled this part of myself, was that I found how incredible it is when I look at life through the awareness of being responsible for all of my experiences.

    You see, when I wasn’t responsible, I was also powerless. Leaving all of my hopes for a better life on some magical act of God coming in to the change my experience.

    Today, I feel a sense of joy for being responsible, because each time that I find another way of how I am the one creating my existence, I am then able to step more deeply into my power.

    What I have learnt throughout this journey is that life is always manifesting through me, so I am literally responsible for each piece. Therefore when something presents in my life that is challenging to me, something that I would prefer to avoid, I now know to use it as a journey into the energy that is within me.

    This is how I know when it’s time to release, because until I’ve gotten to the bottom of how I’ve created it, I haven’t yet used the experience for the way it has arrived to serve me.

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  • Episode 5. Strategy of the Heart

    STRATEGY OF THE HEART Understand the structure present for you to use to enter the space of your heart

    Prove it and then I’ll believe it has been a way of doing life for me.

    It felt like wisdom, like I was living with my eyes wide open to what it is I could trust, yet what I can now see is I was living in was a state of fear.

    Needing proof or structure, someone to tell me what life is or isn’t was a denial of the energy that is alive within me. And in the denial of that energy, I was living within fear.

    To journey into the energy of love, is to no longer need the proof and to instead have full trust in what it is I can feel. The deeper that I let go of the fears that override that knowing, the more that I begin to learn about life itself.

    It took a long time to see the inversion for what it truly is. Now that I see it, my journey isn’t done, but my awareness of what there is to clean up so I can continue the journey outside of the inversion is now in place.

    Through witnessing each fear presenting as wanting to know for the essence of fear that it actually is, life has the ability to transform each day and love now truly is the way.

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  • Episode 4. Aligning To Love

    ALIGNING TO LOVE Explore the potentiality present when you align yourself to the frequency of love

    I feel as though my life has been an endless journey of discovering what love is not.

    In the perception that love was being withheld from me I allowed myself to go into a powerless state, believing that I was somehow being punished and not yet worthy of what love is.

    It’s taken many years and an awakening into the understanding of the set up of planet earth for me to perceive all of this in an entirely new way.

    The absence of love wasn’t my reality alone, I came to see that it is present throughout all of humanity. When I could see this I could then come to understand why earth is functioning in this way.

    In the awareness of what is present, I could then choose to use my free will in an entirely new way.

    Humanity experience a loveless state through living in the inversion of what love truly is. It takes wisdom to acknowledge that and in the desire to experience something better, the pathway to what love truly is can be revealed.

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  • Episode 3. Boundaries In Bliss

    BOUNDARIES IN BLISS Gain clarity on how to create a boundary in an energy that serves yourself, and humanity

    I used to be someone who created boundaries with the essence of a sword and shield.

    It was a build up of the desire to protect myself, and through presenting with an energy designed to ‘scare off’ others, I believed myself to then be safe.

    The trouble was, I was then also alone.

    Once I recognised the power that I had to choose my reality to be exactly as I desired it to be, I no longer felt the need to defend what I wanted with others.

    We were either a match, or we weren’t. Either option became welcome with me.

    The more that I felt the power within myself, the more that I could put the sword and shield down, instead finding that my boundaries had been replaced with a continuous golden mist.

    Within the mist I live peacefully, completely connected to the enjoyment of life I have designed for myself. It became clear that those who live within the same essence would appear within.

    How would life be different if you no longer felt the desire to construct walls to protect yourself?

    Within this podcast episode is the beginning of your portal into how…

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