Rochelle Hatcher is the Regional Director/Industry Community Engagement Coordinator with the Nova Scotia Construction Sector Council. Rochelle has a Bachelor of Arts Community Studies Degree from Cape Breton University and held previous roles as Executive Director and Fund Development Manager within the healthcare charitable sector. She specializes in community development and relationship management. She serves as a liaison for industry partners with government, community, and service providers and sits on multiple committees throughout Nova Scotia that focus on creating a more diverse and equitable workforce. She is currently enrolled in a Train the Trainer DEI Leadership course with other provincial partners. Rochelle is a board member of the Cape Breton Chamber of Commerce and gives time to the Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation and with her dog Quincy as volunteers with St. John’s Ambulance Therapy Dog Program.
What Rochelle is reading
5 People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom
Where to find Rochelle
Shout Outs!
Bradley Sheppard
Saint John Ambulance Therapy Dog
Anchored Ideas
Island Folk Cidery
On Paper Books
Norren MacKinnion
Maggie Budden
Lillian Marsman Bernadette Johnson