00:25 New book by Dorian Pritchard on conservation of native bees
01:10 Argument for conservation of native bees, legally protected areas should be created
02:40 Is the black bee really the best bee for all people? I think not, but each to their own.
04:40 Sue Coby's New World Carniolan project could be a template to follow
05:00 Examples of human interference in nature to domesticate wild animals into farming livestock. Also BEAGLES!
07:20 Modern commercial bee farming, selective breeding of honey bee queens
08:15 Good things about bee farming, pollination increasing crop yields
09:15 Some negative things about bee farming: miticides, reduced diversity, competition with wild pollinators, spread of pathogens
11:20 EU policies to assist apiculture and pollinators
11:50 Selective breeding - objectives and methods, isolated mating, instrumental insemination
12:55 Natural selection - survivors pass on resilience
14:10 Advantages of natural selection
15:00 Downside to natural selection, low honey, unpredictable temperament, short term high losses
15:55 Conclusion - we can have both
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