Welcome to The Valhalla Club!
The month we have a very special guest! Russ Bullock, CEO of Piranha Games! Also joining us is Brent from the Of Mechs and Men Podcast! Piranha Games is in the final stages of development for the impatiently awaited and highly anticipated MechWarrior 5: Clans! We also take this opportunity to ask some questions about the future of MechWarrior: Online. This month's BattleTech Drink of the Month is The Fusionaire in honor of MW5: Clans! Cheers!
Mike “The Viking“
Dave “Cerberus”
Russ Bullock - CEO of Piranha Games
Brent “Mad-Eye Marauder IIC”
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This Episode is proudly sponsored by Aries Games and Miniatures where you can find everything you need for your Battletech addiction.