In the inaugural episode of "Had Enough" podcast, the host, Keusi, delves into the complex topic of life struggles, the feeling of being shaped by exterior forces, and the constant effort to maintain what is socially perceived as 'normal'. Keusi shares his personal experiences of navigating through life circumstances that have left him marked with scars and living under harsh societal expectations. He provides a deep understanding of the wear and tear such struggles have on one's self, and emphasizes on how reaching out for assistance is often wrongly interpreted as a sign of weakness. He delivers a poignant reflection on the misconception that individuals are superhuman, capable of withstanding immense pressure without faltering. Keusi emphasizes how the continued expectation of strength can erode one's defense mechanisms. Nonetheless, he highlights that he remains resilient in facing these battles, despite the heavy armor he carries. This episode attempts to connect with listeners by providing a platform for such stories to be told and reminding them that they are not alone in their struggles.