Gatos and perros are the pets of yesteryear, Have you considered a SpiderPet?
- la enésima is the umpteenth
- testaruda is stubborn
- alérgico is alergic
- la jaula is cage
- la tienda de mascotas is pet store
- las muñecas de peluche are stuffed animals
- peludo is furry
- los juguetes are toys
- el tamaño is size
- temblar is to tremble
- la sospecha is suspicion
- aplastar is smash
- inmóvil is motionless
- lobo is wolf
- alzó una ceja (alzar) is she raised an eyebrow
- una red is a web
- las moscas are flies
- una hoja is a leaf
- horripilante is creepy
- asqueada is grossed out
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