We loved this chapter! Kate actually did every exercise this week 😜
Join us in this episode as we chat about:
- the process of doing Finding Water out of sequence
- the unsung importance of a sense of safety to creativity
- the reconnection with something bigger than you
- 'Martha Stewart' risks (which we loved), do your mending!
- Learning to say 'yes I can', over 'no I can't' - "our reward must lie in doing the risk itself"
- Having a deep faith in what you're doing - defining our own success
- Julia's brilliant take on reviews - "how did I like the work?"
- 'Where are the people who get the work and get me?'
- Constantly expanding vs taking tiny nourishing risks
- Balancing safety & excitement
- Receiving inspiration in sacred spaces
- And more!
Connect with Kate & Shaili - @idlewritersclub
- Youtube
- Insta: @createwithshaili
- Writing practice journal @itsalwaysprogress
- https://wildheartcreative.net
- Insta: @itskatemaxwell
- LinkedIn
- www.katemaxwellcoach.com