All over the world, gaming is considered a top hobby. Some people take it so seriously that they make full-time careers by playing games. But with every bright side comes a dark side. The many people who fail at achieving these feats are the ones who commit crimes in their place. These crimes inspired by video games will not only shock you but will serve as cautionary tales for the future. Welcome to the dark side of gaming.
Darek Weber (Host)- https://twitter.com/DarekScary
Joey Sourlis (Sound production)- https://twitter.com/JoeySourlisVo
Swamp Dweller (Producer)- https://twitter.com/iSwampDweller
Page Turner (Writer) - https://twitter.com/DubbedEmotions
Darek Weber (Host)- https://twitter.com/DarekScary
Joey Sourlis (Sound production)- https://twitter.com/JoeySourlisVo
Swamp Dweller (Producer)- https://twitter.com/iSwampDweller
Page Turner (Writer) - https://twitter.com/DubbedEmotions