It’s the second week in 2021, are you back to normal yet? Of course not!! But at least I hope you are preparing yourself to be. This week’s podcast is about teaching you to apply the posture techniques taught in our YouTube video last week titled “Fix Your Posture” (link to channel below for other videos too) so that you can focus better and be more efficient while you work, drive, or watch TV. (I don’t imagine that last one requires much effort though...LOL) Those aches and pains you have are not going away anytime soon either if your posture isn’t any good. So, follow the easy exercise in this podcast, keep practicing it, and you will be prepared for even more sitting (Yay! Not…), at least until this pandemic has passed. Thanks for listening to the #GateofLifepodcast by #mymetromedicine! Your #1 source for living a better life every single day. Have an blessed day! The host of the Gate of Life podcast (Justin Flinner) is an acupuncturist, U.S. champion in Chinese martial arts, university professor, and the owner of My Metro Medicine; an award-winning Acupuncture and Tai Chi clinic in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Be sure to check out our My Metro Medicine pages on Facebook and Instagram. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClXSDXcktV5J93vxoLDAlag Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyMetroMedicine/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mymetromedicine/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mymetromedicine Website: www.mymetromedicine.com Email: jflinner@mymetromedicine.com