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This week's episode: "The Playwright,” a remarkable new short story by first-year talent Natalie Goss, about the subdued heart of a young Los Angeles theater reviewer-turned-dramatist who's losing the script.
Goss is a Child Development and Family Studies major now contemplating a minor or possible double major in English. She dreams of publishing a collection of both fiction and nonfiction, enjoys painting when not reading or writing, and hopes to become a counselor for the public school district of Oakland, where she was born and raised.
The story was developed in a lower-division fiction workshop at California State University, Long Beach.
Intro and outro music is from the song Slow, performed by Sally Dworsky. Written by Sally Dworsky and Chris Hickey. Available on iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music and all other streaming platforms.
Podcast art by Ryan Longnecker.
Publishing news: Season Two’s original novel, Sunland by Charlie Haas, is being released in print this October by Beck & Branch with a new title, The Current Fantasy. Visit https://www.beckandbranch.com/the-current-fantasy. Season One’s novel, The Drift That Follows Will Be Gradual, will be released in August by Open Books, where it is now available for pre-order. Visit https://www.open-bks.com/library/moderns/the-drift-that-follows-will-be-gradual/order.html
Catherine Hein's novel THE CELEBRITY resumes next week.