In episode five of the third series, we meet Shannon who tells the story of her second baby’s birth. Shannon’s first birth was traumatic and her second birth was very healing in many ways not least her experience of positive and respectful care.
Topics in this episode include: second pregnancy during first maternity leave, low weight for gestational age, faltering growth, previous negative birth experience - induction UTI, thrush, stomach bug in pregnancy, planning a homebirth - International Homebirth Day- research stats, birth plan - thinking through decisions - informed consent, slow manageable early labour over a couple of days, labour in water UFO positions, urge to push at 8cm, midwife offer to push cervix aside, worry of “bruised cervix”/pushing too early, fast labour - 4 hours, established labour to birth half hour pushing stage, partner support in the pool, feeling baby’s head crowning, comparing experience of birthing in the pool to previous experience birthing after induced labour having had pethidine, effect of gas and air - choosing to stop to help with awareness for pushing, gas and air, asthma, breathing experiences, birthing placenta in the pool, golden hour on sofa, tea and biscuits etc, stitches on sofa, impact of respectful care, establishing breastfeeding, blocked ducts and mastitis, balancing the needs of an older child and a new baby.
If you’re concerned about the possibility of an “early” pushing sensation you might find this research paper a helpful start to your reading. https://open.library.ubc.ca/media/stream/pdf/52966/1.0108912/3
There are also some ideas of things that may help with this in labour here https://www.spinningbabies.com/pregnancy-birth/labor/what-to-do-when/
For information about pregnancy and birth if you have asthma check out
Wondering about tears and stitches etc you might find out bog is a helpful place to start
Wondering about why you might think about using water for labour and birth find the facts here