Season 3 Theme - One Virtual Road Trip, to Answer One Big Question, told as One Continuous Narrative Arc
Season 3 Focus - To answer one primary question, "How do we effectively live as a collective church body in today's world in tension?"
In this episode, we explore how to pursue a "Tov" church culture. "Tov" is a Hebrew word used throughout the Bible that means good. We are joined by father/daughter duo Scot McKnight and Laura Barringer to discuss their book 'Pivot', which follows the successful release of their first book , 'A Church Called Tov'.
While the first book recorded stories of abuse and toxic church cultures at some of the most prominent U.S. churches, 'Pivot' serves as a practical guide to help churches implement practices, establish priorities, and cultivate the kingdom gospel-centered qualities that form goodness cultures.
Come join us as we discuss how church cultures can be transformed from toxic to tov—from oppressive to good.
Guest Information
Scot McKnight is a New Testament scholar who has written widely on the historical Jesus and Christian spirituality. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Cornerstone University, a master's from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a doctorate from the University of Nottingham. He has written more than 80 books, including the popular The Jesus Creed, which won an award from Christianity Today in 2004. You can read more from Scot at Substack andhis blog, Jesus Creed.
Laura Barringer is a full-time teacher, a part-time writer and speaker, and she is coauthor of A Church Called Tov as well as Pivot: The Priorities, Practices and Powers That Can Transform Your Church Into a Tov Culture. She previously coauthored the children's version of The Jesus Creed and wrote a teacher's guide to accompany the book. Laura is an advisory board member of Broken to Beloved, one of her favorite nonprofit organizations. A graduate of Wheaton College, she resides in the suburbs of Chicago with her husband Mark and their three beagles. Find her on www.laurabarringer.net.
If you have comments or questions, feel free to reach us at aworldintension@gmail.com.