I found myself contemplating this question recently: "Why do I feel guilty for not struggling anymore?"
It's an odd question because who wants to struggle/continue struggling? When I pondered the question further I came to the realization that when we're not used to excess, we don't know what to do with it and that often manifests itself as imposing limitations on ourselves, thinking that we're not good enough for certain things, and even subjecting ourselves to situations that clearly do not serve our higher good.
In today's session of Note to Self Diaries, I explore some of the many reasons why we tend to feel guilting for doing well and celebrating ourselves, and I also talk about ways in which we can begin to combat those feelings.
I hope today's session reaches who it was meant for and that you take what's needed.
Don't be shy with the feedback; I'd love to hear your thoughts on today's topic. Please send your comments to alicia@notetoselfdiaries.com or feel free to connect with me through my DMs on IG @notetoselfdiaries.