In this week's parsha, Ki Tavo, we discover:
- God's wisdom in making every single Jew a historian. We all recite a surprising paragraph when we bring up our first fruits- and it reminds us of what we have endured, what we have overcome, and how we will continue to overcome.
- How important it is to look at the Torah as a gift from God. We are all in a relationship with God. The Torah is God's exact instructions regarding how to make Him happy and please Him. If we love God and appreciate the things He has done for us, then we will be elated to receive these instructions and to be able to live our lives in a way where we can show Him how much we value Him.
- God is the master of experiential education. The blessings and curses at Mt Gerizim and Mt Aival showcase this- reminding us to consider the covenant we made with God, and why it matters.