
  • Why Should You Have to Choose?

    As a Christian woman, do you feel pressured to choose between a thriving career and building a family?  Or do you feel hesitant or even guilty  to invest in a career due to misconceptions others (or even you) hold regarding women in the workplace? Whether you're already pursuing a full-time career or are planning for post-grad, today's episode will bring you the reassurance you need to pursue you individual calling.

    Joining me for today's episode is Jane Kennedy, founder of The SundayMonday, a platform whose mission is to give Christian women resources that equip and encourage them to be bold in faith, bold in work, and bold in life. 

    Tune in as we discuss: 

    • Why most Christian women feel hesitant to invest in a career
    • The biggest misconception regarding Christian women who have careers
    • Where to seek mentorship and inspiration as a working professional
    • Practical ways to express your faith respectfully in the workplace
    • How to incorporate balance into your everyday life

    Learn more about The SundayMonday here: https://www.thesundaymonday.co/

    Follow the SHE BELIEVED Podcast on Instagram: @shebelievedpodcast

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  • The Secret to Making Friends Post-Grad

    When you've outgrown your high school friends or moved across the country post-grad, finding new friends can seem like an impossible feat. How do you meet people during COVID? How do you get to know someone on a deeper level? What if we don't click at first? 

    In today's episode, I'm inviting you into my struggle of making friends post-grad in a new city.  Over the past 4 months I have cycled through every emotion. What began as an excuse, "I don't have time for new friends", turned into a plead "I need to meet someone, anyone."   

    Tune in to learn: 

    • What does the bible define as community 
    • Why you need friends in close proximity to you -- not just virtual 
    • What are the most important things when it comes to building a friendship 
    • Practical ways to make friends post-grad

    Read my The Catholic Woman Letter: https://thecatholicwoman.co/letterstowomen/finding-friends-wherever-god-has-you?rq=caroline%20owens

    Join the SHE BELIEVED Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/963446630694449/?ref=share 

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  • The Year of St. Joseph

    Pope Francis has proclaimed 2021 as the year of St. Joseph, and upon his announcement he  released a beautiful apostolic letter titled Patris Corde, or With a Father's heart, that aims to increase our love for this great saint, to encourage us to implore his intercession and to imitate his virtues and his zeal. In today's episode, we will discuss this letter, and get to the heart of St. Joseph's fatherly role in our lives . 

    I am very excited to welcome Nathan Crankfield to the podcast, as we discuss how we can become more like St. Joseph and follow his example in the new year. Last year St. Joseph provided for both Nathan and I in bold ways, and we are excited to introduce you to him!

    Patris Corde Letter: http://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_letters/documents/papa-francesco-lettera-ap_20201208_patris-corde.html
    Caroline on IG: https://www.instagram.com/carolinezipperle/
    Nathan on IG: https://www.instagram.com/ncrank23/

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  • Managing Expectations For 2021 & Beyond

    Tired of creating New Year's Resolutions that fall flat and leave you feeling defeated by the end of the year? As we wave goodbye to 2020, I'm bringing on one of my favorite people to discuss how we can use the daily Examen prayer to reflect on the past year and better plan for not only the year ahead but our life's journey. We'll also be sharing our Saints and Words of the Year, and encourage you to choose yours and share on Instagram by tagging @carolineroseowens and @shebelievedpodcast. 

    Saint Paper Slips: https://marytv.tv/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Saints-List-2020.pdf
    Saint Generator: http://saintsnamegenerator.com/
    Word Generator: http://www.wordoftheyear.me/

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    45 分
  • How to Know Who God Created You to Be

    We're going back to the basics and setting the foundation for the podcast.  With so many things vying for your attention, you deserve to know that your time listening to the SHE BELIEVED Podcast is well worth it. As I mentioned in my very first episode ever, my hope for the podcast is that through our conversations you are inspired and equipped to live more freely into the woman God has created you to be. 

    You can expect to leave today's conversation having the answers to two very important questions: 1.  How do I  know who God created me to be? 2. How do I live out who God created me to be? 

    @shebelievedpodcast on IG: https://www.instagram.com/shebelievedpodcast/
    @carolinezipperle on IG: hhttps://www.instagram.com/carolinezipperle/

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    28 分
  • What It Looks Like to Overcome Fear and Pursue Your Mission

    Have you ever been afraid of your own dreams? Intimidated by the possibility of failure, but curious about what would happen if you really tried? We all go through seasons of clarity where everything feels right, but we're also guaranteed to experience times where the path ahead seems foggy. Wherever you're at on your journey, I invite you to join today's conversation about fear and how it can confuse our God given mission. I'm also sharing where I've been the past 6 months, and am beyond excited to welcome you to Season 2 of the podcast. So whether you're new here, or have been here from the beginning, thanks for joining the conversation. I hope you know you're always welcome!

    FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/963446630694449/?ref=share
    Caroline on IG: https://www.instagram.com/carolinezipperle/

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    27 分
  • What Happens When We Pursue Our Passions

    What's your reason for giving up on your passion? Were you not the best? Did someone judge you or make your dream seem insignificant? If so, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you let yourself and others keep you from changing the world. But the good news — it's not too late. Today, I am joined by co-founder of Verily Magazine, Janet Easter, as we walk through the shift in our passions throughout different seasons of life. Janet's story has something for everyone. Whether you feel directionless or need a reminder that you have a community supporting you, you'll leave this episode knowing that your passions have purpose. And I can't wait to see what happens when you pursue them...

    Shop Everthrift: https://shopeverthrift.com/
    Janet on IG: https://www.instagram.com/janetseaster/
    Caroline on IG: https://www.instagram.com/carolinezipperle/
    Verily Magazine: https://verilymag.com/

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    46 分
  • Girls Struggle Too: An Honest Conversation About Porn

    You are not alone or helpless if you struggle with a pornography addiction. There is hope for you! And today's episode is meant to open the conversation and expose the reality that porn isn't just a guy's problem. Founder of Restore Love, Bella Bryant, joins the podcast to share how speaking out on social media about her sexual abuse and porn addiction opened the flood gates to other women struggling with similar issues and desiring healing and freedom. Bella approaches this sensitive topic with love and honesty, as she shares practical ways to ask for help if you're struggling and how we can respond to someone who shares their reality with us. If you don't know why porn is harmful to you and others, turn the volume up and get ready to learn! This is an important conversation, and by the end of this episode I hope you know you are not alone, and there is an endless amount of healing available for you. I encourage all of you to join the Restore Love community at https://www.instagram.com/restorelove_/ and follow along with Bella at https://www.instagram.com/bellaaabryant/.


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