• Yoreh Deah 103:7-104:2. Mixtures: Pots of 24 Hours; Rats In Various Liquids, If Taam Lifgam; Tiny Discernible Pieces In Mixtures.
    26 分
  • Yoreh Deah 103:3-7. Mixtures: Definition of Bad Flavors and Pots of "24" Hours; If Spicy; Taam Lifgam, Kli Eino Ben Yomo.
    29 分
  • Yoreh Deah 102:4-103:2. Mixtures: Prohibitions That Will Become Permitted; Bad or Negative Flavors; Noten Taam Lifgam; Chametz.
    27 分
  • Yoreh Deah 102:4. Mixtures: Nullifying Prohibitions That Will Become Permitted; Davar Sheyesh Lo Matirin.
    25 分
  • Yoreh Deah 101:9-102:3. Mixtures: Cooked or Raw Prominent Piece, Slaughterhouse; Nullifying Prohibitions That Will Become Permitted.
    23 分
  • Yoreh Deah 101:6-9. Mixtures: Prominent or Significant Piece, Whole or Cut, Matching Body Parts; Chaticha Re’uya L’hischabed.
    25 分
  • Yoreh Deah 101:3-5. Mixtures: Prominent Piece: Feathered Chicken, Raw, Whole Sheep, Large Slabs, Fat With Intestines, Gribenes, and Gizzard.
    26 分
  • Yoreh Deah 100:3-101:2. Mixtures: Beryah or Bug Lost In Soup, 3 Bugs Found in Cooked Vegetables; a Prominent Piece of Prohibition
    27 分