Sanet - Why I became a Guide in an ancient lineage.
As long as I can remember I have always loved people, I loved the differences between us and all the diverse and different things that people liked & did that was unlike me. I had a sense that there was good in every one of us.
It took me a long time to find my inner goodness and my true purpose and a true sense of joy because of a disconnect with myself, I struggled to know myself and did not want to be me. My life was never easy and riddled with confusion. I had so many unanswered questions that caused me much pain & suffering that ended up in severe anxiety, fear and addiction.
This suffering was what the path that led me to start searching for answers in the late 1990’s. It was long before google or the internet. I started reading and researching books and authors of books for the meaning of life.
I researched psychology, philosophy, the religions of the world, World History and Ancient Civilizations and ended up reading books of some of the old western mystics like Madame Blavatsky, Israel Regardie, Eliphas Levi, Anni Besant and a few more. I hardly understood 20% of the content I read at the time but I kept going.
In many of these books they spoke about the ancient Mystery Schools, these schools held knowledge to support humanity but were not accessible to normal people like me.
Living in a farming town in the middle of South Africa at the time, I realised that I was basically ‘out of luck’. My only option to gain any of this knowledge was to keep on reading the books written by these adepts of the Mystery Schools. This stirred up powerful emotion & desire within me, I wanted this knowledge so much and just kept on reading and searching.
In 2012 a good friend who was on a similar mission than I had called me up and told me that she might have found a Mystery School that was open to the public in Cape Town. I was not sold immediately & very sceptical at first. Although, after personally witnessing a true miracle happen in her family as a result of the Hermetic Kabballah programme, I knew this was real magick and I went for my Life Activation in 2014.
A Light was switched on deep inside of me opening my eyes more than just seeing the glimpses of my true self I had seen over the years of my life, and as I started Knowing Myself more bringing me closer than ever before to the true me. I used the tools and rituals that I had learnt every day over the next few years and I still do today.
The connection and vision of myself has become clearer and clearer over the years and my connection with God stronger than ever before.
After completing Sacred Geometry 2, I opened a Holistic Healing Center and Crystal Store with my husband Conrad in 2015, offering Crystal Healings to clients. I was still so raw and imperfect back then but there was such a strong pull within me to just do it.