
  • 22: How To Flow, Not Fight…Or Is "Processing" Out?!

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    Well… it’s 2025, and lovers, what a start to the year. The energy is combustible and wild, both geopolitically and astrologically, so we hope you’re holding your loved ones and community tight. Hot off January 25th’s six-planet alignment, Lunar New Year, and a New Moon in Aquarius, we’re diving into this month’s topic - How To Flow, Not Fight. Kiko shares about the grief of losing a pet 💔 and how they are flowing through this experience with deep intuition, psychic moments, bravery, and oceanic weeping technology. Emily discusses feeling excitement for life, and how to flow through happiness by crying tears of joy, actively choosing and wanting what you have, and slowing down enough to appreciate the moment. We also discuss the delights of crassness, resistance, Hawaiian pizza, The Artist’s Way, trusting the signs of life, and if saying “I’m processing” is out!? We’re here for you amidst the mid-winter chaos, so share this podcast widely! We’d love to meet some new lovers this year ;) 😘

    • Follow @saviorcomplexpodcast for podcast updates and @kikosoiree @emilyolcott for nud3s
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    1 時間 21 分
  • 21: How To Shift a Victim Mindset…with Prayer and a Pet Psychic

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    Happy New Year, lovers! We’ve had a divine 2024 livelaughloving with you, and we have a very exciting announcement for 2025: we’re launching a new pod format! Starting this month, each ep will be centered around a ‘How To’. We’ll tackle a difficult subject or substantial spiritual challenge, sharing personal anecdotes and suggestions for interpersonal process and spiritual praxis- so get in touch if there’s anything YOU want us to cover! This month, Kiko and Emily dive into how to shift victim mentality. Emily shares about authentic communication and mindful action, and Kiko shares about love as the ultimate tool to shift perspective. We also get into UFOs, Wicked (kind of), Emily’s witch journey, Kiko’s transformational experience with a pet psychic, ADHD, acting technique, dental work, and of course, multidimensional healing. See you on the other side of this new year portal, lovers - we’re toasting you with the champagne and/or non alcoholic wine substitution of your choice!

    • Follow @saviorcomplexpodcast for podcast updates and @kikosoiree @emilyolcott for nud3s
    • Want to ask an anonymous question? Submit to our advice segment ⓢⓞⓢ - here 😎
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    • Share an idea, topic, or random psychic download to the pod at email saviorcomplexpod@gmail.com ✨
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    1 時間 29 分
  • 20: I Think I Unlocked Human Behavior

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    Sensual and meaningful inhale,
    Deep and cleansing exhale that also unlocks the shadow within,

    Hello to our lovers from this post-election, unseasonably warm Scorpio season thin veil autumn (more on that in the ep). We’re sending you love from our little pod corner and are hoping magic and power are able to find you on this 11/11 portal, and a Full Moon in Taurus right around the corner (on 11/15). In this ep, Kiko and Emily discuss the possibilities of love with ChatGPT, letting yourself be perceived, playing with reality, being ready to shed old identities, hitting your professional growth edge and how to navigate it, coping with physical illness, creativity, and spending time in the mental gym (thank you Michael Jordan). We share the mantras that are fueling us this fall (inspo from both Buddhists AND Denzel Washington), we share the culture that’s sustaining us (Scream the film AND Addison Rae’s Diet Pepsi), and yes, you pervs, we do talk about our sex lives (or lack thereof for some of us). So grab a bacon egg and cheese and lock in, lovers - we’re here for u!

    • Follow @saviorcomplexpodcast for podcast updates and @kikosoiree @emilyolcott for nud3s
    • Want to ask an anonymous question? Submit to our advice segment ⓢⓞⓢ - here 😎
    • Listen, Rate, and Subscribe to Savior Complex wherever you stream <3
    • Share an idea, topic, or random psychic download to the pod at email saviorcomplexpod@gmail.com ✨
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    1 時間 10 分
  • 19: Florence Pugh and Life From the Neck Down

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    It’s back to school, lovers! Kiko and Emily are thrilled to return to the pod after a summer hiatus, just in time for the transition from fiery, wild Leo season to the cleansing harvest energies of Virgo season. In this ep, Kiko and Emily dive into how they have been Irrevocably Changed by the Summer - spoiler alert, it involves embodiment… gulp. From new fitness routines to new somatic practices to new realizations about intellectualizing feelings, Kiko and Emily explore the challenges and gifts of living life from the neck down. Turns out the body has a lot of wisdom?! Plus, we get into the spiritual codes in Frozen II, the lack of spiritual codes in the new Alien but the utterly masc invention of 4DX, Pluto moving into Aquarius, cold plunges, compassion being kind of funny sometimes, and all the white people in Midsommar. And as always, slide into our DMs @saviorcomplexpodcast at any time, because we are SO back, lovers :)

    • Follow @saviorcomplexpodcast for podcast updates and @kikosoiree @emilyolcott for nud3s
    • Want to ask an anonymous question? Submit to our advice segment ⓢⓞⓢ - here 😎
    • Listen, Rate, and Subscribe to Savior Complex wherever you stream <3
    • Share an idea, topic, or random psychic download to the pod at email saviorcomplexpod@gmail.com ✨
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    1 時間 33 分
  • 18: When Is It My Turn to Be Healed by a Horse?

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    Hey lovers! It’s summer, it’s Pride (happy pride), it’s the end of Gemini Season and the beginning of Cancer Season, it’s Solstice time, there’s TWO Capricorn full moons in the mix - whew! In this ep, Kiko and Emily explore the swirling waters of paradox. Kiko opens up about the physical experience of shame yet the freedom of more emotional embodiment; Emily shares about feeling unmoored yet more psychically connected within that lost feeling. And naturally, we talk about horses for a really long time…including the movie Spirit, shadow work, double rainbows, earth magic, Jesus Christ (ever heard of he/him?), and, briefly, penises (a pod first!). So horse girls, pansexuals, and lovers alike, pour yourself a refreshing lemonade, rise up (sit down) and get into a relaxing and intimate summer ep :) And of course, follow us @saviorcomplexpodcast on IG if you haven’t already! :)

    • Follow @saviorcomplexpodcast for podcast updates and @kikosoiree @emilyolcott for nud3s
    • Want to ask an anonymous question? Submit to our advice segment ⓢⓞⓢ - here 😎
    • Listen, Rate, and Subscribe to Savior Complex wherever you stream <3
    • Share an idea, topic, or random psychic download to the pod at email saviorcomplexpod@gmail.com ✨
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    1 時間 38 分
  • 17: A Collective Deep Sigh

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    It’s post-eclipse season integration time and Taurus season, and the collective energy is focused on the heavy work of unearthing the truth. So if you’ve been feeling gutted, directionless, sad, or untethered lately… you’re in good company riding along with Kiko and Emily (shotgun)! In this ep, we dive into the narratives around transformation and the reality of everyone being on their own journey. We talk about the wisdom of the body, depression and heartbreak, giving ourselves grace, and dialing into inner strength. We also find time to honor Beyoncé as a living legend, give Solange her flowers too, discuss Caroline Myss and Alita: Battle Angel, and get excited about both roller-skating (new hobby) AND Positive Dissociative Contemplation (new concept). PS…we’re so excited to announce our new social media handle! Follow us and kiss us @saviorcomplexpodcast on IG.

    • Follow @saviorcomplexpodcast for podcast updates and @kikosoiree @emilyolcott for nud3s
    • Want to ask an anonymous question? Submit to our advice segment ⓢⓞⓢ - here 😎
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    • Share an idea, topic, or random psychic download to the pod at email saviorcomplexpod@gmail.com ✨
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    1 時間 9 分
  • 16: I’ve Been Thinking About the Sun Lately

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    Chirp chirp, it’s spring cleaning time, blossoms! Kiko and Emily are here with a fresh transmission just in time for Mercury Retrograde/Eclipse Season - be careful out there please!! In this ep, we dive into the shimmering radiance and silence of the universe and how to incorporate that energy into our daily lives, letting new life experiences unfold (love, anyone?!), hope as a practice, and boredom as a powerful tool of transformation. We also discuss Dune 2 at length (Skip minutes 40-50 to avoid spoilers!), Avatar the Last Airbender, Cate Blanchett being a really good actress, the concept of “lunch movie” and “being humiliated in a dance class.” Plus, Kiko sings an excerpt from “The Greatest Showman” and we get high on dreams. Blossoms, what new paradigm are YOU creating in your lives?

    • Follow @saviorcomplexpodcast for podcast updates and @kikosoiree @emilyolcott for nud3s
    • Want to ask an anonymous question? Submit to our advice segment ⓢⓞⓢ - here 😎
    • Listen, Rate, and Subscribe to Savior Complex wherever you stream <3
    • Share an idea, topic, or random psychic download to the pod at email saviorcomplexpod@gmail.com ✨
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    1 時間 37 分
  • 15: So What’s Your Biggest Flaw?

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    Happy midwinter, blossoms! It’s Aquarius Season, we’ve just passed the threshold of Imbolc and we’re anticipating the Lunar New Year, so strap in for a discussion of our roles within the human and ecological collective, and our responsibility to our dreams on an individual and humanitarian level. Kiko shares about the angelic being that taught them love (listen to find out who), and Emily reveals her greatest flaw (listen to find out what). We dig deep on the pangs of new romance, news chyron ticker tapes of old storylines and what to do about them, queering the 7 deadly sins, Edgar Allan Poe, and graduation (metaphorical). So tune in, little blossoms - after all, we can’t do this alone 🔥

    • Follow @saviorcomplexpodcast for podcast updates and @kikosoiree @emilyolcott for nud3s
    • Want to ask an anonymous question? Submit to our advice segment ⓢⓞⓢ - here 😎
    • Listen, Rate, and Subscribe to Savior Complex wherever you stream <3
    • Share an idea, topic, or random psychic download to the pod at email saviorcomplexpod@gmail.com ✨
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    1 時間 23 分