
  • Put yourself first (for sustainable biz growth)

    If you want to see the framework, check out the video version of this episode on youtube: https://youtu.be/LtymhpgTPX0

    PS. If you sell consulting, coaching or services online, I just released a behind the scenes walkthrough on how I’m currently using 'Dynamic Offers’ to enroll premium clients every week & scaling to $100k+ months recurring, without sales calls or working more than 20 hours a week - check it out here: https://scalewithoutsalescalls.com/

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    12 分
  • Optimize for joy (coaching a future billionaire)

    I just started working with a new client.

    9 fig net worth.

    More money won’t really change much.

    Sure flying private is nice, but the moment to moment experience of life matters more.

    We are working on a plan to help him 10x his wealth.

    But not in the conventional way.

    We are doing it by optimizing his entire life around one core thing:

    Maximizing joy.

    He’s going to become a billionaire either way (with or without my help).

    But how he gets there matters to him.

    Too many miserable ultra wealthy people in the world already.

    Most think money comes at the expense of things that really matter.

    Joy, peace, great relationships with a partner or kids.

    I think the truth is the exact opposite.

    If we build a life and business around feeling alive, turned on and enjoying every moment…

    …financial success is the natural byproduct.

    Hard to believe this when we are short on cash of course.

    But just like gravity doesn’t stop working just because someone doesnt believe in it…

    …this is a natural law of the universe.

    Whether you’re trying to hit 6 figs or trying to become a billionaire.

    You don’t have to choose between being wealthy and happy.

    You just have to construct your game so it’s optimized for you (not some influencer on IG).

    You may have to stop compromising on your deepest values.

    You may have to choose to be radically authentic even when it feels challenging.

    You may have to overcome discomfort to bring your vision to life.

    I can’t tell you it’ll be worth it, you have to decide that for yourself.

    But I can tell you that the universe is designed to be a catalyst for you to unlock the greatest version of you.

    I want to share a 10 min clip from my last chat with him to show you a new ‘operating system.’

    Check it out here…



    Let me know if something resonates and if you like these ‘behind the scenes’ clips 🙂

    Much love,


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    11 分
  • Choose to thrive (in a world that's on fire)

    The biggest bull run for entrepreneurs is about to begin...

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    7 分
  • Why you avoid doing things you 'have to'

    Avoidance, procrastination, resistance...

    These are not the real problem.

    They are the symptoms of a deeper structural misalignment.

    In this segment from a coaching session with an Accelerator client, I break down why this happens for entrepreneurs and how to actually understand the internal conflicts you might be experiencing as 'getting in your own way'.

    PS. If you sell consulting, coaching or services online, I just released a behind the scenes walkthrough on how I’m currently using 'Dynamic Offers’ to enroll premium clients every week & scaling to $100k+ months recurring, without sales calls or working more than 20 hours a week - check it out here: https://scalewithoutsalescalls.com/

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    7 分
  • You don't need more leads (do this instead for $$$)

    Most entrepreneurs think the reason why they aren't making more money is a lack of leads.

    Generating leads takes a lot of energy, and it's often not the thing you should be focusing on first.

    Do this instead.

    PS. If you sell consulting, coaching or services online, I just released a behind the scenes walkthrough on how I’m currently using 'Dynamic Offers’ to enroll premium clients every week & scaling to $100k+ months recurring, without sales calls or working more than 20 hours a week - check it out here: https://scalewithoutsalescalls.com/

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    6 分
  • Levels of entrepreneur consciousness

    This is a clip from a coaching session with an entrepreneur who I'm helping scale to 8 figs in the next 12 months.

    Most business advice deals with strategies, tactics and processes to create outcomes, but ignores the biggest point of leverage in a business - the entrepreneur's consciousness.

    Your consciousness is the birthplace of every idea, thought, action, feeling, sensation - basically everything you experience.

    When you learn to map your consciousness and shift it at will, based on what you want to create in business, you unlock what I call 'god mode.'

    PS. If you sell consulting, coaching or services online, I just released a behind the scenes walkthrough on how I’m currently using 'Dynamic Offers’ to enroll premium clients every week & scaling to $100k+ months recurring, without sales calls or working more than 20 hours a week - check it out here: https://scalewithoutsalescalls.com/

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    14 分
  • Architecting your perfect business (Vision vs Goals)

    The Art Of Crafting Your Perfect Business

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    4 分
  • Breaking through upper limits & self sabotage (includes guided hypnosis)

    A breakthrough that creates clarity is often followed by doubt, anxiety, fear, worry, second guessing or some sort of sabotage.

    The main reason for this subconscious resistance is due to a deviation from your ‘set point' for ease, peace, safety and money.

    The resistance and self-sabotage, is a ‘homeostatic regulator’ which is designed to keep us at our baseline, bringing us back to our comfort zone as soon as we leave it.

    In this video I share my concept of the growth equation, and guide you through a process to minimize resistance so you can create sustainable growth.

    Topics discussed:

    - The Paradox of Founder Clarity and Self-Sabotage

    - Unpacking the Equation of Growth

    - The Psychological Battle Against Growth

    - Navigating the Yo-Yo Effect

    - Building an Unshakeable Foundation of Self-Trust

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    37 分