Welcome to The Stakeholders Podcast, in season 2 we will focus on the important topics of our world, how stakeholders are affected by these topics, and the actions we can all take to push society in the right direction. This will be done through a number of new formats.
- One of those is going to be current events and pop culture.
- I want to give the show a bigger reach by removing myself as a limiting factor and allow for ideas to flow more freely. The guest takeover will allow you to focus on a topic that you find important without me to distract from your train of thought. Contact me if you're interested in doing a guest takeover: andy.dosev@thestakeholderspodcast.com
- We will focus more on the impact is individual decisions, long-term strategies, and societal shifts.
Last but not least I want this season to be more action-oriented for myself, and my listeners. As some of you may remember, last season's big question was "What's at stake?" this season I'd like to focus on "What can individual stakeholders do?"