Kathryn Marsh & Melissa Hoppmeyer are career prosecutors specializing in child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and other power based crimes. They are also co-founders of Right Response Consulting, an agency that provides training and in the areas of sexual assault, sexual harassment and human trafficking. Melissa Hoppmeyer is on sabbatical for season 4.
Facebook @NoGreyZonerrc
Instagram @NoGreyZonerrc
Twitter @NoGreyzonerrc
Erica Scott is a Consent Educator based in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. Her passion is working to create a more consensual, more compassionate world. She is the CEO/Founder of Creating Consent Culture and co-author of the book " Creating Consent Culture; A Handbook for Educators"
Social Media:
Facebook: @creatingconsentculures
Instagram: @creating_consent_culture
Website: Creatingconsentculture.com
Purchase the book here
Podcast Music:
I'm Just Good by Johny Grimes https://soundcloud.com/johny-grimes
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/im-just-good
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2wrYUBtrjGM br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ1maOwEZy0