Today's Guest: Harvey Oyer, III
Website: https://www.theadventuresofcharliepierce.com/
E-mail: hoyer@shutts.com
About Harvey Oyer, III: Harvey Oyer is the great grandnephew of Charles W. Pierce, the subject of this book series. An attorney in West Palm Beach, Florida, a Cambridge University educated archaeologist, and an avid historian, Oyer served for many years as the Chairman of the Historical Society of Palm Beach County. He has written or contributed to numerous books and articles about Florida history.
Oyer realized that in nearly of all the writings about Charlie Pierce, none had ever focused on his childhood years. Pierce kept a diary from the day he arrived in Florida in 1872, at age eight years old, until he died in 1939. Many of the stories contained in The Adventures of Charlie Pierce have been passed down through five generations of his family. This book series aims to keep Pierce’s fascinating legacy alive and share Florida’s meaningful history with the next generation of young readers.
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