Are you a believer in “things happen for a reason?” Have you ever had a moment where you think to yourself, I was just thinking about that and it happens? OR I was just thinking about someone and they show up either over the phone or in person? Do you “ask for signs” and they appear? Or are you on the other side of the camp where you believe more in the rational mindset and that there is no such thing as fate or serendipity moments? Wherever you reside, you’ll enjoy this fun convo of our experiences.
In this episode, we reference two episodes where Kris and Dr. Ro’s path’s crossed that are a must-listen. Episodes #11 “Brain Based Treatments; Lighting the Mental Health World on Fire” (Season 1) and #4 (Season 2) “Destigmatizing Mental Health”.
Keep listening till the end to hear a great idea from Kris that we want you to participate in! So pull up a chair, press play and let’s have some fun together!
Curious about this episode’s favorite thing? Click here to check out Chicas Tortilla Chips.
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Connect with Kris & learn about her Empowerment Coaching