• 2. You Must Be Saved From Your Sins Even Now (Genesis 6:1-4)

    Today’s Scripture reading shows us how God’s people came to be forever separated from the God of Truth. Some people say, “Is it spiritually sinful for the sons of God to marry the daughters of men for their beauty? And why is it such a big issue for a righteous person to marry someone who has as yet not been born again?” We need to know this, that a righteous person should never get married with someone who has as yet not been truly born again, for this will bring tragic consequences. Why is this? It’s because the Spirit of the Lord said that He would not strive with man forever on account of the fact that His sons had married the daughters of men. What then did the righteous do before God that they ended up being separated from Him? Let us all ponder on this question carefully from today’s Scripture reading.


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  • 1. Become Preachers of the Gospel Who Can Save Mankind from Its Destruction (Genesis 6:5-22)

    Just as God judged the world with water during the days of Noah, God will surely judge this world with fire. And if there is just one reason for God to destroy this world, it would be for its spiritual chaos and apostasy. During the days of Noah, the sons of God saw the beauty of the daughters of man and took them as their wives. Because they had thrown away the spiritual truth in the process, the Spirit of God could no longer be with them. Thus, destruction came to those living in this world. The same tragedy will again occur in this age: God the Holy Spirit cannot work together with believers of the gospel of the water and the Spirit if they were to unite and work together with the Evangelicals who have as yet not received the remission of their sins.


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  • 3. In These Last of Days Prepare for Your Salvation (Genesis 6:5-12)

    During the days of Noah, the whole earth was full of violence and corruption before God. That is why God decided to completely destroy everyone on this earth. He thus carried this judgment out. And as for this current world, God has decided to burn it up with fire instead of judging it with water. As it was in the past people were judged for their sins through the Deluge, but as for this current day and age, God told us that He would pass judgment with burning fire. Today, as it was during the days of Noah, this earth is again filled with violence. People’s hearts are completely corrupt now, as it was back then. During the days of Noah everyone was hopeless before God, and they were living as people who had deteriorated into very wicked beings. Because of this, God decided to wash away all these evil people from the face of the earth with the Deluge. We are also living in a day and age whose time is close at hand with the judgment of God, because the wickedness of man is great on the earth just like the days of Noah.


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  • 5. Defend Your Heart by Placing Your Faith in the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit (Genesis 6:13-14)

    Looking at the faithless generation that did not believe in God’s righteousness, our Lord said that He would wipe out this world. When we look at today’s reality, we can clearly see that this world is heading toward its destruction. Although most people are waiting for Utopia to come to this world, it will never get any better. This world will not turn into a paradise on earth, but instead it will turn into a garbage dump, and after then the Millennial Kingdom and the New Heavens and the New Earth will come to the righteous.


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  • 4. We Have Reached Salvation by Believing in The Righteousness of God

    It’s written in today’s Scripture reading, “Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.” But most Christians think that they cannot ever become such righteous people, believing that this is possible for only special people like Noah or Abraham. These Christian sinners who neither know nor believe in the righteousness of God believe that they are right based on a misinterpretation of Romans 3:10 which says, “There is none righteous, no not one.” Based on this single verse they are unwilling to believe in the Truth that anyone can become a righteous person when they receive the remission of their sins and are born again by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. This is a grave sin that rejects God’s love of salvation.


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  • 7. The Laborers of God (Genesis 7:1-24)

    Here God told Noah to take into the ark two pairs of unclean animals, male and female, and seven pairs of clean animals, male and female as well. This is a very important passage. God was telling Noah to save every living species when He judged this world with water. So all the species living on the face of this earth came into the ark without any exception. Why did God say this? That God told Noah to take into the ark two pairs of unclean animals, male and female, means that He entrusted him with the work of saving every soul. Put differently, God had taken Noah as His laborer to fulfill His will. As you will soon come to understand, Noah worked with God to bring unclean and clean animals into the ark.


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  • 6. Do You Know the Fact That Jesus Has Blotted Out All Your Sins? (Genesis 6:14)

    Everyone, due to the sins that they commit inside their hearts or by their fleshly acts must realize that the gospel of the water and the Spirit is absolutely indispensable. Before the presence of God, there is no one who does not commit sin whether one has received a good education from this world or not; everyone is a mass of sin just like everyone else. Also, no one can hide their sins away from God, and God is someone who will surely judge that sin. Therefore, there is no way to receive salvation except by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Yet most Christians exert themselves to live upright with their conduct in order to receive the grace of salvation from God. However, the fact remains that the sins of their hearts do not go away by living so piously.


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  • 9. The Faith That Takes Us into Salvation (Genesis 7:1-13)

    In Noah’s time, God judged the world once with the floodwater. Today’s Scripture passage describes this event to us. From investigating earth strata formed in the ancient times, geologists have concluded that there once was a great flood.
    It’s written in the Bible that prior to Noah’s flood, people generally lived for over 900 years. At that time, someone who died at the age of 600 was considered to have lived a short life. However, after the flood, mankind’s life span dropped to around 120 years. The reason for this is because of radical changes in natural environment owing to the great flood. The Bible writes that the earth was judged by water at the time of Noah’s flood. It didn’t just rain, but the Bible writes, “All the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened” (Genesis 7:11). Like this, God covered the first world with water. At that time, as all the water in the firmament was poured on the earth, every living creature was exposed to harmful rays from the outer space. That is why mankind’s life span was reduced like this.


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