What needs do you see in your city where you can be the hands and feet of Jesus? How can you help the neighbors? What about your neighborhood? Or what about the needs in the broader community? Serving is an invitation from God into blessing. God is the ultimate servant and we are built in His image, so joining Him in what He is doing is stepping into a massive part of our identity, thus unlocking amazing blessings. Everything stems from a relationship with the Lord. Ask God how He wants you to serve; dream big, and write those ideas down.
You can find this weeks sermon notes and groups guide here: https://gracechurchsp.org/groupsguide/
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Fill the city with Jesus. This is the vision not just for our church, but for our people.
The city is not just a physical location, but a collection of our family members, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. How can you bring Jesus to your city?
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